Working For a Living

Wedding Pictures A different kind of wedding

Wedding Pictures A different kind of wedding

    These two couples, just married, are getting their wedding photos taken in Parque Calderone. When I first see them they have, with them, a young bearded tenor sax player playing " Here comes the Bride " on a street corner. Their little photographer is...

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Soprano sax soloist Sue Terry

Soprano sax soloist Sue Terry

    This evening we are treated by an American jazz musician who has a home in Cuenca. She slips into the Jazz Society club with her instrument in its case, takes a seat and listens to the band, puts her horn together, finds a reed, and joins the boys for...

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Karana – House of Chocolate Equadorian export

Karana – House of Chocolate Equadorian export

    Chocolate is a money maker for Ecuador. Karana is a Cuenca chocolate shop that uses only the best chocolate ( arriba) and makes their own delights in a kitchen in the back of their showroom. This business is located at the intersection of Guayas and...

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Modern Art Cuenca, Ecuador

Modern Art Cuenca, Ecuador

    Modern art is an oxymoron. When you go to galleries and see " modern " art you are seeing art done by masters whose works have critical interest and investors fretting over value. Modern Art in this gallery, this month, is Eduardo Sola Franco, an...

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Performance Art Unintended Consequences

Performance Art Unintended Consequences

    By the New Cathedral, on a cloudy afternoon, these performers stand motionless. Then, they move and beckon to a little girl to pose for a photo with them with her mom. After the photo, they blow them a parting kiss and return to their rigid pose. They...

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Ronald McDonald For President 2016

Ronald McDonald For President 2016

    Ronald doesn't mind getting photographed. Just five minutes ago, two kids sat next to the icon eating fries and sipping Coca Cola. How is it that a clown can become the most famous person in the world? Ronald's only resume is red hair, crazy colored...

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Cuenca City Tour   On the Bus

Cuenca City Tour On the Bus

    Up top, on our double decker bus, you have wind and sun, but, on this trip, you can't stand up because low hanging electric wires will take off your neck. Our guide reminds us to watch for low hanging wires, watch the tree on your right, don't stand too...

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Dorado Panaderia In the Cuenca Historical District

Dorado Panaderia In the Cuenca Historical District

    If you like strolling empty sidewalks with little traffic, and only a few walkers, seven in the morning is good in Cuenca, Ecuador. It is a downhill jaunt from the end of Munoz Luis Cordero to the Parque Calderone. There are many General streets in this...

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Coconut Jose selling water

Coconut Jose selling water

    This morning Jose scampers up a coconut tree on the Island Academy grounds and separates coconuts from their necks. They fall with a thud to the sand where he collects them, uses his machete to scalp them, then pours coconut water into plastic jugs that...

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Night time in San Pedro Town in search of papusas

Night time in San Pedro Town in search of papusas

    The papusa is an El Salvadorean snack. It is a grilled soft tortilla, much like a pancake, stuffed with chicken, pork, cheese, beef, and condiments. They are  $1.25 U.S. at this El Salvadorean restaurant in downtown San Pedro Town.  Night in...

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