Working For a Living

1950’s Hamburger Stand Old Photos
Old photos, especially black and white, have a nostalgic quality. They often have no names or dates on the back, have edges that are dogeared or brown, wrinkles, mustaches drawn in with ball point pens by pranksters. They are sometimes in albums but...
Trimming Trees machete work
A phone call has been made to get this work started. This workman uses a ladder to climb up into the tree branches,and, with deft strikes, his machete becomes an ax and tree limbs come down with a crash. This crew of four has spent half a day trimming...
Volunteering in Haiti In the Country
On customs forms, my destination is spelled - Christianville, Haiti. Christianville is not a town, city or village but a walled, fenced, compound in the Haitian countryside that is a trade school, a co-ordinating point for churches from abroad doing...
Harvesting coconuts the big stick
Coconut trees make pretty pictures, but they make money too. On Marinduque, coconut trees grow up the sides and over mountains, in valleys and in flat areas that have been cleared of brush to make orchards, rows of the trees standing like sailors at...
Mosquito Fires farming in Mogpog
This old man farms seven days a week. He comes out early in the morning wearing flip flops, shorts, a long sleeved shirt and a baseball cap with a big brim.He has a machete in a sleeve on his belt and when he sees something that needs trimmed he pulls...
Help Wanted people resources
In days when Britain ruled the seas and ruled the world, colonies were properties on a global monopoly board. The more real estate you had, the more money flowed into royal coffers. Real estate, however, requires expensive maintenance and security....
Mariachi Cancun Airport
Trumpets are not quiet instruments. In the Cancun Airport, Terminal Three, a trumpet and guitars serenade travelers arriving and departing from Mexico. The terminal is full of duty free shops, and, if you didn't pick up gifts before, this is your last...
Morning Vision setting out mannikins
Along the Hotel Zone main road in Tulum, Mexico there are diversions. There are small coffee shops that sell Mexican coffee, flavored with sugar, and delicious pastries for individual palates. Restaurants push seafood, Indian food, Italian, Chinese,...
Hauling Seaweed Even on the best beaches
Tides are capricious. Some places on this beach you find no nasty presents from high tide. There is white sand, pools of trapped sea water, an occasional shell. Other places you find a narrow strip of seaweed, like Christmas tinsel on a living room...
Money Exchange pesos to dollars, dollars to pesos
Today, the exchange rate is nineteen pesos to a dollar. Along the Hotel Zone strip, ATM's, when they are working, dispense pesos or dollars. If you need money, you walk, bike, or drive to a little pitched roof shack on the main road not far from the...
Fish Tacos Best on Earth
Tulum has two faces. There is the Hotel Zone which is a strip of bars, restaurants, hotels,and retail shops along the main road running along the beach all the way south to a biosphere nature preserve called Sian Kian. Then there is the Mexican town of...
Blue Suede Shoes Impersonating Elvis
Imitation is, a famous wit once explained, the greatest form of flattery. Elvis Presley was a star and shone bright in Tinseltown for decades. In his Elvis impersonator show, Danny Vernon croons, tells jokes, moves his hips, loves on the audience. ...