Working For a Living

Empty Shelves How did we get here?

Empty Shelves How did we get here?

        This is a scene from a local Wal-Mart, a scene many Americans are now becoming familiar with. This is the Russia we used to see on national TV, in the sixties and seventies, and talk about...

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Greg’s Trio Pizza IS EXTRA

Greg’s Trio Pizza IS EXTRA

    Escaping Chicago in the winter months, Greg and Judy stay in Fountain Hills, Arizona and perform every Saturday night at a close to their house Fountain Hills eatery. They are joined tonight by a friend from Seattle, Tom Wakeling, who plays bass with Lee...

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Decorative Art A Pretty Picture

Decorative Art A Pretty Picture

      When J.B. said he had a painting he wanted to give me, I wasn't sure where this was all headed. I didn't need another painting but told him to bring it over, and, if I didn't want it, I would...

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No B.S. Handwritten sign

No B.S. Handwritten sign

    ATM's have become many people's money solution. They are in countries all over the world and you can get cash in countries where no one speaks English and all the writing looks like hieroglyphics. The ATM's accept debit and credit cards, let you make...

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On Stage with Kody and the gang Kody Norris Band

On Stage with Kody and the gang Kody Norris Band

    One of the more entertaining bands at the festival, playing numerous sets over the four days, is the Kody Norris Show. The Kody Norris band features traditional bluegrass along with dancing, clowning around, comedy, and audience participation tossed in...

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Hand rolling cigars in DR In the Zona Colonia

Hand rolling cigars in DR In the Zona Colonia

    The little cigar making room, entered through a small corner tobacco shop in the Zona Colonia, has four men inside. One is reading the paper, another is watching the cigars being made, two men are working - making cigars, by hand, one at a time.  "...

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Getting Screwed

Getting Screwed

          The project is simple enough, putting up a thirteen foot shelf and using the shelf to secure a back privacy wall along a back porch wall. All that is needed is wood, deck screws, a...

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Fishing the Rio Grande fishing on rafts on upper Rio Grande

Fishing the Rio Grande fishing on rafts on upper Rio Grande

    The Rio Grande river runs through New Mexico and most of the state's population and bigger cities hug the river's edges all the way through the state, from north to south. The river is sustained by melting winter snow pack in Colorado and this is a good...

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Portillo’s In Fountain Hills, Arizona

Portillo’s In Fountain Hills, Arizona

    At closing, Portillo's, in Fountain Hills, is almost empty. The eatery specializes in Chicago food, hot dogs, polish sausage and Italian Beef. The restaurant is gleaming and has checkered tablecloths, old style movie posters and employees dressed in...

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Street Empanadas One street over from Calle Estrellita

Street Empanadas One street over from Calle Estrellita

    Every time I pass, I see customers at this little empanada stand - ordering, sitting in these plastic lawn chairs,visiting, stopping a moment in life, standing, moving away, replaced in moments by someone else. It is all very random. The process is like...

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