What’s to Eat

Delicia de la Juan Restaurant Breakfast today
This little restaurant is one street north of the D'Beatrice Comida Criolla, another local eating place near my Santo Domingo guesthouse just outside the Zona Colonia. At lunch yesterday, there was a line here backing almost out the front door and all...
Plaza Espana On an evening in March
Plaza Espana is a popular night spot in Santo Domingo. There are events and live music here. but, this evening, early, people are just beginning to arrive as the moon rises just above Columbus's right shoulder. The Alcazar de Don Colon is closed and...
Street Empanadas One street over from Calle Estrellita
Every time I pass, I see customers at this little empanada stand - ordering, sitting in these plastic lawn chairs,visiting, stopping a moment in life, standing, moving away, replaced in moments by someone else. It is all very random. The process is like...
God Bless Santo Domingo Jardin Botanico snack stop
At the Jardin Botanico in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, it is lunch time. On the menu is one part indigenous people, one part Europeans, one part Hispanics, one part black Africans. Combine the European, African, Caribbean and Dominican recipe and...
Fishing by the Napolitano Casino Fishermen rise early
Before seven in the morning, a kid passes me on his old bicycle, carrying a five gallon plastic bucket, with bait and tackle inside, on his bicycle handlebars. His fishing pole sticks out of an empty milk container secured to his back bike fender with a...
D’Beatriz Comida Criolla Corner of Calle Santome and Jose Gabriel Garcia, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Paying high prices for food, that no one but tourists can afford, is not our idea of travel. Our idea at Scotttreks is to find healthy, well prepared food,served in good surroundings, where locals eat, for local prices. This neighborhood cafe is a six...
Little Girl on her Wrist Phone Scotttreks at work
The map on one of the Starbuck's walls shows several continents. When you spread the world out, pin it to a wall, you take out all its bumps, contours, unknowns, inconsistencies. When Columbus laid out his world map on the sturdy table in his Captain's...
LaFonda Hotel Part of the Santa Fe History
The LaFonda Hotel has been a fixture in Santa Fe going back decades. The current hotel was built in 1922 on a downtown site where the first Santa Fe hotel was built in 1607 when Spaniards came to town. It is on the register of the Historic Hotels of...
Cooped Up Stan's Chicken House
Stan has had back yard chickens for a few years. They weren't something he wanted as a childhood dream, but his adopted kids wanted chickens so he built them a first rate coop, feeds them, keeps their cage clean, and can't kill them because his daughter...
Turkey Time A Day of Thanks, 2018
Pots and pans are on the stove, the table has been set for three, a Butterball Turkey browns in the oven. It took four hours for this bird to cook and slicing it up on the kitchen counter means dinner is close. Alan, Sherrie, and I have Thanksgiving this...
Beth’s Place Benkleman, Nebraska
This might be Beth's Bar and Grill, but it might not be Beth who serves us. This morning our hostess, waitress is a short, stubby, older looking than she is woman who wears house slippers and a blue apron. She screws up her face funny when she writes our...
King for the Day Get your crown at Burger King
These crowns are made from paper with printed jewels on the side. They adjust to fit all heads and there are plenty to go around. Customers can take them for free and kids are not the only ones that wear them. Kings used to be in short supply, one to a...