The Great Security State

Making the News KOAT, Channel 7, ABC, Albuquerque
Growing up in the 1950's, there were only three channels on our new black and white TV. The programming was sports, talent shows, westerns, game shows and nightly news.The broadcast day ended at midnight. In the 1960's,Johnny Carson got people to stay up...
Campout at McDonalds Four thirty in the morning
Sometime last night this homeless statistic rolled her shopping cart onto Ronald McDonald's premises and parked it. The Albuquerque homeless problem is ubiquitous even if un-employment is low and jobs are rumored to be everywhere. Most ...
No Pets At the Marble Street Brewery
Pets, in America, have become more than pets. At the Marble Brewery, the limits to their importance are clearly stated on step risers leading to the second floor. It is only a matter of time before this road house rule against pets going...
Demolition Manzano High School Gymnasium
In 1965, this gym was state of the art for our time in high school. It had locker rooms for boys and girls, a weight room,offices for the coaches and staff. It had polished hardwood floors on the basketball court that gleamed and rows of wood...
Gender Dysphoria California Dreaming
This is an All Gender Restroom at the UC Irvine Medical Center in Los Angeles, California. The worst thing about this sign is having to figure out where all these genders are suddenly coming from, and whether I can open the door, safely go inside,...
Mother Road Route 66 through New Mexico
Route 66 is the most famous United States highway that joined others to became the U.S. Interstate Highway system that linked our 50 states, made remote places accessible, let restless spirits roam to where they belonged, spawned a history of music,...
Pay in Advance Old Economics
In 2018, it still costs to park, but inflation has kicked up the price. In older times, Albuquerque Old Town visitors would pull their 55 Chevy's into parking spots under towering cottonwoods, next to adobe walls built in the early nineteen hundreds....
Heavy Artillery The War Begins
In the 1960's, a most favored slogan was " Make Love, Not War. " Their were lots of babies conceived in hippie vans as the Grateful Dead, Janis Joplin and Jefferson Airplane fanned anti war sentiment, wore flowers in their hair and had meetings with...
Mickey’s New Employee Work Trends
McDonalds was one of the first corporate giants to infiltrate American communities with cheap hamburgers, fast food, employee training programs, marketing strategies, toys for the kids, drive up windows, extended operating hours. You can dine in any...
Calling Dr. Who Payphone on way to Creed,Colorado
Doctor Who has the most unique phone booth in the Universe. but on our way back to Creede, Colorado, Richard's idea is to stop and pay respects to one of the last pay phones in America. On site, Richard and I both pick up the phone and listen to the dial...
Which Haiti do you see? perception
There are competing perceptions of Haiti. There is the portrayal, in its art, that Haiti is a rural place of simplicity, order, old ways, peaceful, a collage of beautiful colors, shapes, and sounds. This is the Haiti that Gauguin would have painted had...
Facts aren’t convenient Quick facts on Haiti
When you travel, you meet reality. Haiti shares its island with the Dominican Republic. Haiti speaks French and the Dominican Republic speaks Spanish. Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere while the Dominican Republic is a...