Sports & Recreation

Hopscotch Playing in the driveway
Hopscotch has been around a few hundred years, and hopscotch on driveways used to be a girls game in our neighborhood when we were growing up. The game takes balance, co-ordination, and planning,...
Birdie Boobie Only the week's worst golfer gets to have this bird
The tradition in the group of " eight ", or the group of " twelve, " is that if any team gets a birdie on a hole, everyone takes a sip of " Fireball ", a cinnamon flavored liquor. If birdies are...
Scotttreks Visits Embudo Canyon Albuquerque, New Mexico Enjoy the slideshow......Scott
In the Clubhouse Official PGA Birdhouse
Golf is the kind of sport that doesn't appeal to everyone. First, the idea of hitting a little round ball, on a tee, with a stick, seems silly. I mean, the ball just sits there. It...
Hippo at Play Albuquerque Zoo At the Albuquerque Zoo, there are plenty of animals; birds, monkeys, a tiger or two, penguins, giraffes, jackals,zebras. They are well cared for in their little enclosures and we can stand at a rail and admire...
Golf Course ducks UNM South golf course water hole
The UNM south golf course is a championship course. It has ankle deep grass in the rough, tricky greens, deep traps, rolling fairways and a few doglegs that would make a dog blush. You wouldn't want to walk this course unless you were a mountain goat and...
River Rafting Near Creede, Colorado
The Rio Grande river is running high and fast with a bigger than normal snow pack this last winter. It is July and there are still big rocks in the middle of the river that you still can't see the tops of. Along the river's edges, rafters have parked...
Holding up the World Angels, golf balls and the World
Cherub's are winged angelic beings who attend to God. In traditional Christian angelology they are angels of the second highest order of the nine fold celestial hierarchy. It is difficult to know which task is the most difficult for this cherub - holding...
Albuquerque’s E scooters Albuquerque's newest transportation
Albuquerque has just introduced E-Scooters to the Downtown Civic Plaza, Nob Hill, Old Town, and, eventually, other well frequented locations in the city. These scooters are lined up across from the Albuquerque Museum of Art, chatting up a storm and...
Turtle Rock Albuquerque's Embudo Canyon
Indian School is an east- west Albuquerque boulevard that ends at the Embudo Canyon Open Space at the far east side of the city.. The parking lot, at the roads end, is the beginning of a city Open Space area that moves into the Cibola National Forest...
Perfect for the Kid in All of Us Fountain Hills Park, Fountain Hills, Arizona
This place is made for kids. There are no sharp edges, nothing to scrape or cut, no nails, splinters, burrs or broken glass. The brightly colored posts can be walked around but are not easily climbed, colors are primary, and water falls from the...
Frisbee Golf Fountain Hills Park, Fountain Hills, Arizona
Golf, as invented in the Scottish countryside, started with sticks and a ball. Those old guys hit the little hand made wood ball for a distant hole dug in the ground, added traps and water later to make the game harder. They created a rule book and came...