Spirit Talks

What’s Real? Reflections on a lake
The reflection of the clouds,on the lake's calm surface,quiver. The reflection of the forest's trees, on the lake's surface, reaches across the lake almost to the bank we are fishing from and look as if trees themselves are growing out of the lake, right...
You can sleep when you are dead coffee sign deja vu
The last time I saw this sign was in Montevideo, Uruguay at the Ramon Massini Hotel/Suites. That sign was in the lobby near a coffee machine operated with tokens you bought from the front desk. This afternoon I see the same sign at Candy's Coffee in...
Amish wagon on the road to Westcliff, Colorado
We pass people every day. An old man with a cane shuffles past us in the grocery, squinting to read the fine print on a box label.Two little children pull on their mom's dress at the bank as she makes a deposit and reaches them a sucker out of a little...
Westcliff, Colorado in the country
The mountain range, to the west, rises ten thousand feet plus into the clouds. These clouds, turning dark and ominous,prompt festival help to lower the flaps of our music tent to protect the performers and us, in the audience, from soon to come wind and...
Sitting by the Brook refresh yourself
Mother Nature makes her own music. This little brook gently runs through the Alvarado Campground, following a path of least resistance on it's way to join a larger river, and then, with that river, rambling all the way to the closest ocean. Nature's...
Holding up the World Angels, golf balls and the World
Cherub's are winged angelic beings who attend to God. In traditional Christian angelology they are angels of the second highest order of the nine fold celestial hierarchy. It is difficult to know which task is the most difficult for this cherub - holding...
Columbus Wuz Here Columbus Lighthouse, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
There is controversy whether this is a lighthouse and whether Columbus's bones are really inside the not so small ornate iron box in the center of this ornate display. Columbus found the Dominican Republic on the first of his four voyages to the New...
Love Machine Squeeze the Handle
In the lobby of the Albuquerque County Line Barbecue, there is a special love machine for testing your love potential. This " Love Machine " costs a quarter for its diagnosis, and, for your quarter, you can see how you measure up on the love chart by...
Lucky Chair Horseshoes for luck
Under the " Home of the Big Rib " rib, as you walk towards one of several back dining rooms at the County Line Barbecue, is a lucky chair. We all have our favorite chairs. Yours might be an old recliner that you found on the sidewalk with a ' Take Me "...
Kid Sculpture Shopping area in the Fountain Hills Park
Art, in many localities, is given a budget by city hall. Artists are then commissioned to produce public art for public consumption. Public art springs up in parks, in downtown open spaces near city halls, by busy streets and intersections. The art is...
Music in the Park playing the vibes
The need to make music is a human one. By the Fountain Hills Park lake is an outside music area. In a tight circle are eight different music makers, You can hammer tubes, strike bells, bang on cans, waggle ropes that move noisemakers, make sounds to call...
Faces Cathedral, Zona Colonia, Santo Domingo
The front and back metal gates to the massive Cathedral, in the center of the Zona Colonia, are not four hundred years old. They look that old, however, and the faces sculpted unto them look eternal and primordial. There are the faces of Luke, Mark,...