Shop ’til You Drop

3 Cups a Day Drink till you drop
The saying used to be " An apple a day keeps the Doctor Away. " In 2017, there were 27,339 Starbucks stores globally. Back in World War 2, coffee kept pilots awake on long flights to targeted cities, helped wives and girlfriends who watched...
Mickey’s New Employee Work Trends
McDonalds was one of the first corporate giants to infiltrate American communities with cheap hamburgers, fast food, employee training programs, marketing strategies, toys for the kids, drive up windows, extended operating hours. You can dine in any...
Wind Sock Boogie Coffee and doughnuts are ready
This wind sock, inflated early this morning, has flailing arms and an ambiguous smile on its face. Creede hasn't awoken yet, but June, the lady who lives in her parked Tiny House and sells food from her trailer cafe, is cooking already, at eight in the...
Haiti Made in the neighborhood
Haiti Made is a local countryside Cafe and Gift Shop. If you walk outside the Christianville front gate, past the security man sitting in a chair with an automatic fully loaded weapon by his side, you make a quick right and follow a single winding lane...
Back to the Market more than enough
The Mogpog market is a place we return each day, more than once, By lunch most of the fresh products have been sold, fisherman have returned to sleep in their berths after a night on the waters. There are newly slaughtered hogs carried into the...
Main Street, Tulum Tulum
Most villages, towns and cities, small or large, old or new, have a Main Street. Main streets support shops, offices, hotels, restaurants, government compounds. Some have divided boulevards for traffic, bike paths, sidewalks for pedestrians. Main streets...
Cupid’s Arrows watch out - here comes one
On the wall of a shop,these Cupid twins smile lustily, with a trace of the Devil in their expressions. Cupids are often known to have smiling faces, flowing blond hair,rotund bodies. They fly in the air with ease and are particularly in evidence in...
Morning Vision setting out mannikins
Along the Hotel Zone main road in Tulum, Mexico there are diversions. There are small coffee shops that sell Mexican coffee, flavored with sugar, and delicious pastries for individual palates. Restaurants push seafood, Indian food, Italian, Chinese,...
Money Exchange pesos to dollars, dollars to pesos
Today, the exchange rate is nineteen pesos to a dollar. Along the Hotel Zone strip, ATM's, when they are working, dispense pesos or dollars. If you need money, you walk, bike, or drive to a little pitched roof shack on the main road not far from the...
Sales Receipt as real as it gets
Sales receipts are prosaic. On most there are times and dates, food ordered and its price, balances due and how the bill was paid. There is a spot for taxes and gratuities. There can be series of numbers indicating stock numbers of merchandise, re-order...
Drones In your neighborhood
Drones, as defined in middle school, were worker bees who served the Queen, built and maintained the hive, and lived a dronish life. In high school, drone became a word describing people working in cubicles who did jobs the CEO hadn't figured out how to...
Farmers Market by the Rincon RV Resort front office
Farmers Markets are popular. This market, on a Wednesday, opens at nine and features a smattering of produce, vendors selling chili rellenos and rice bowls, massage therapy in a chair, potions and ointments made from cactus and other desert plants,...