
Playing for the crowd Nosotros,Valentines Day, 2019
If you want to know what people are looking for, count the cars in the parking lot. Tonight, the parking lot is packed. The dance floor is also packed,dancers barely having enough room to stand. The band is hitting their notes, ladies are dressed to...
Controlled Violence Lunch at Dion's Pizza
Eric, a retired Army Ranger, who patrolled streets of Iraq in full battle gear, has told me violence is a way of life and controlling or neutralizing it was once his mission as well as his livelihood. When I talk with a man who has had to take...
Making the News KOAT, Channel 7, ABC, Albuquerque
Growing up in the 1950's, there were only three channels on our new black and white TV. The programming was sports, talent shows, westerns, game shows and nightly news.The broadcast day ended at midnight. In the 1960's,Johnny Carson got people to stay up...
House Car Home Sweet Home
This home on wheels was originally owned by a couple from Louisiana who traveled from town to town with a carnival. They sold kewpie dolls and prizes, and, as far as we know, lived as happy as the Old Lady who lived in a Shoe. Inside, it is roomy enough...
Paint and Body Shop, Colorado Thom's Place
Thom's shop is full of heavy steel automobiles from the fifties and sixties, stripped down, in various stages of renovation.Paint and body tools are resting in the shop where they were used last,collecting dust on the hood of a Chevy Pickup or the...
Three Old Men Sitting on a Bench
Some photographs resonate. This photo, hanging on a restaurant wall in an Albuquerque Olive Garden, resonates. It is a black, white, and gray ode to old age. These three old men have seen history and are sitting on a bench watching life pass them by. Old...
Campout at McDonalds Four thirty in the morning
Sometime last night this homeless statistic rolled her shopping cart onto Ronald McDonald's premises and parked it. The Albuquerque homeless problem is ubiquitous even if un-employment is low and jobs are rumored to be everywhere. Most ...
StarBucks Break Coffee on skeleton crew
Halloween has crawled out of the grave for another year. At a local Starbucks, Freddie doesn't have to bone up on store policy, customer relations, or how to work the register. He hands out coffee and keeps his mouth shut because he rattles when he...
It’s the Feeling, Man! Jazz
On Saturday mornings, the New Mexico Jazz Workshop jam is in order. Open cases are spread on the floor, Real Books rest on stands,metal folding chairs have been unfolded, coffee is okay outside the rehearsal room, guitarists plug in amps, sax players...
Casa Armijo 1st house in Albuquerque
The Armijo hacienda began as one of the first homes in Albuquerque, but was long ago resurrected as the popular Old Town restaurant, " La Placita. " Haciendas were self contained economically, spiritually, emotionally. Several generations of family...
Pay in Advance Old Economics
In 2018, it still costs to park, but inflation has kicked up the price. In older times, Albuquerque Old Town visitors would pull their 55 Chevy's into parking spots under towering cottonwoods, next to adobe walls built in the early nineteen hundreds....
Midway Blues Amusements
Bennett's Amusements moves in the day before an event, fences off their area at the Festival, back up huge equipment trucks, rides, and promotions. Agile carnies pick up wrenches and assemble a superstructure of steel connected by hundreds of feet of...