On the Beach

Trip to Sanoa Island From Santo Domingo
Those going on this day trip from Santo Domingo to Sanoa Island start at the Pizzerelli Pizza Palace at six forty five in the morning. There is no one on the street this morning when I walk to our assigned pick up point, but, at the pizza place, there...
Ulong Bay Mogpog
It is easier to describe this place by telling what isn't here. There are no condos, resorts, blue water swimming pools, water slides, fancy cabanas with fully loaded bars. There aren't people wearing sunglasses and expensive thongs. There isn't a paved...
Yoga Time searching for peace
Yoga studios are prevalent in Tulum. At nine sharp, practitioners dress in loose fitting clothes, clutch their orange or green mats, make their way into the yoga studio and begin exercises with a background of soothing music and the reassuring voice of a...
Playing in the Sand Sandman
There are sand creations on beaches. They start as an idea, then move past idea to become reality. Artists bring their buckets and shovels, pots and rakes, sticks or bones, bottle caps or string, shells or seaweed to make hair. They kneel in the sand,...
Mexico Nights Ahau Tulum Hotel
At sundown, people in Tulum begin to congregate. From their tables in the dining area at Ahau Tulum, customers and friends watch the sun go down as the Caribbean Sea vanishes into dark. As sunlight dims, people leave the beach, wash away sand and suntan...
Nature an afternoon at the beach
Rock colored birds face the wind so their bodies aren't scattered like bowling pins. Pelicans circle us above, dive like missiles, their pointed beaks becoming spears, surfacing with wiggling fish. Sea colors, shades of green and blue, modulate. Waves...
Net fishing catching dinner
At dinnertime, a pelican begins his dive. He circles his target, turns himself into a projectile by tucking his wings to his body,and disappears head first into the surf. When he comes back to the water's surface, he shakes his wings and recomposes, a...
Tulum Sunrise February, 2017
Hauling Seaweed Even on the best beaches
Tides are capricious. Some places on this beach you find no nasty presents from high tide. There is white sand, pools of trapped sea water, an occasional shell. Other places you find a narrow strip of seaweed, like Christmas tinsel on a living room...
Caribbean Sea at Tulum, Mexico Hotel Zone - Tulum
The sea changes like a model's face. One moment it is smooth as glass all the way to the horizon, the meeting of water and sky straight as a pencil line drawn by laying a ruler down. The horizon is so straight that you believe the world is flat like old...
Mayan Outpost with Iquanas Tulum Ruins
The location of this old Mayan city was well chosen. It is a place Mayan elite lived for the best part of the year,entertained visitors, enjoyed food and drink on porches as their sun sank into the Caribbean sea. There were simple platforms built on the...
Tulum Beach in the surf
The surf rumbles all day and all night. Where water meets land, long white capped waves roll over, roll under, and roll onto the land like conquerors. There are high and low tides and thin legged birds kick bubbles left by the waves like Colombian soccer...