Mother Nature Saddles Up

Cow Talk Sundown
County road 40, cutting away from Colorado State Highway 69, takes me straight to the Alvarado Campground in the nearby Sangre de Cristo mountains - the end of a long driving day from New Mexico. The campground,in the Pike and San Isabel National...
Westcliff, Colorado in the country
The mountain range, to the west, rises ten thousand feet plus into the clouds. These clouds, turning dark and ominous,prompt festival help to lower the flaps of our music tent to protect the performers and us, in the audience, from soon to come wind and...
Sitting by the Brook refresh yourself
Mother Nature makes her own music. This little brook gently runs through the Alvarado Campground, following a path of least resistance on it's way to join a larger river, and then, with that river, rambling all the way to the closest ocean. Nature's...
Turtle Rock Albuquerque's Embudo Canyon
Indian School is an east- west Albuquerque boulevard that ends at the Embudo Canyon Open Space at the far east side of the city.. The parking lot, at the roads end, is the beginning of a city Open Space area that moves into the Cibola National Forest...
Weather Report one of those sunless days
On the average, Albuquerque sees the sun 280 days a year.The U.S. average is 205 days. This morning the Sandia Mountains are hidden behind low lying clouds and visibility is limited. The clouds have no substance yet they hide the towering rugged peaks on...
Morning Stroll Lake in the center of Fountain Hills, Arizona
The landscape in this part of Arizona has few trees and even less water. It has jagged rocky hills that rise from the desert floor like turtle heads coming up out of their shell. The tallest vegetation, for miles, is the saquaro cactus that we first...
Museo of Amber Zona Colonia, Santo Domingo
Pat reminds me to dig deeper into amber, when I'm in the Dominican Republic, highly valued by Kings and royalty way way back when we had Kings and royalty. Tunneling deeper, I walk myself to the Museum of Ambar at 454 Calle Arzobismo Merino Street...
Jardin Botanico Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
A ten minute taxi ride to the north of the Zona Colonia are the National Botanical Gardens of the Dominican Republic. The gardens are huge and narrow city sidewalks are traded for wide foot paths to walk freely in wide open spaces This Sunday...
Cloud burst in Santo Domingo Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
It rains in the Caribbean. This rain has blown in this afternoon and sends me sheltering under a roof overhang on one of the main streets in the Zona Colonia. People, on motorcycles, wrapped in large plastic trash bags, zip through the streets and...
Mama Juana Mixology
When I remark that I have a cold, Yuri asks if I want some " Mama Juana? " " I don't want marijuana, " I answer. " No, " she laughs, " Mama Juana. It is a local drink, good for colds. " Berluis shows me a jug which looks like it is filled with bark off a...
Porthole Landing in the Dominican Republic
Visibility is restricted on airplanes. Looking out through a small porthole, flyers can see parts of their plane, but mostly see clouds. Sometimes the clouds are white as your grandfather's hair while other times they are puffed up like a boxer's bruised...
Tumbling Tumbleweed looking for home
" Tumbling Tumbleweeds" is a Roy Rodgers cowboy song, sung around the campfire with fellow cowhands on a starry night, with a crackling fire, when the herd is quiet and coyotes are howling harmony. The song's lyrics are plaintive as the western...