Money Talk

Demolition Manzano High School Gymnasium
In 1965, this gym was state of the art for our time in high school. It had locker rooms for boys and girls, a weight room,offices for the coaches and staff. It had polished hardwood floors on the basketball court that gleamed and rows of wood...
3 Cups a Day Drink till you drop
The saying used to be " An apple a day keeps the Doctor Away. " In 2017, there were 27,339 Starbucks stores globally. Back in World War 2, coffee kept pilots awake on long flights to targeted cities, helped wives and girlfriends who watched...
Pay in Advance Old Economics
In 2018, it still costs to park, but inflation has kicked up the price. In older times, Albuquerque Old Town visitors would pull their 55 Chevy's into parking spots under towering cottonwoods, next to adobe walls built in the early nineteen hundreds....
Mickey’s New Employee Work Trends
McDonalds was one of the first corporate giants to infiltrate American communities with cheap hamburgers, fast food, employee training programs, marketing strategies, toys for the kids, drive up windows, extended operating hours. You can dine in any...
Wind Sock Boogie Coffee and doughnuts are ready
This wind sock, inflated early this morning, has flailing arms and an ambiguous smile on its face. Creede hasn't awoken yet, but June, the lady who lives in her parked Tiny House and sells food from her trailer cafe, is cooking already, at eight in the...
Digging in the Earth Creede, Colorado
Creede was established in the late eighteen hundreds. At the north end of town is a silver mine that has become a museum. Running through the middle of town is a river that carried mining sludge into the valley below that is now being reclaimed by...
Eggs one hundred for breakfast
Eggs come from a local source and are delivered when ordered. There are 30 eggs to a flat and ten flats to this stack which makes three hundred eggs. It sounds like a multiplication word problem from one of the kid's math workbooks stored in a plastic...
Volunteering in Haiti In the Country
On customs forms, my destination is spelled - Christianville, Haiti. Christianville is not a town, city or village but a walled, fenced, compound in the Haitian countryside that is a trade school, a co-ordinating point for churches from abroad doing...
Sunday at the rooster fights Sunday afternoon
Each week, rooster fights happen. Men of all ages bring their favorite fighting roosters to this stadium, pay a fee to enter, put their rooster and their reputation on the line. These battles are to the death, and, to ensure that, roosters have a finger...
Harvesting coconuts the big stick
Coconut trees make pretty pictures, but they make money too. On Marinduque, coconut trees grow up the sides and over mountains, in valleys and in flat areas that have been cleared of brush to make orchards, rows of the trees standing like sailors at...
Feeding Pigs Noisy Eaters
These guys and girls aren't going hungry. They are fed in the morning and in the afternoon with snacks in between meals to help them put on weight. They will eat as much as you give them and they always behave as if they are starving. Alma washes out...
Help Wanted people resources
In days when Britain ruled the seas and ruled the world, colonies were properties on a global monopoly board. The more real estate you had, the more money flowed into royal coffers. Real estate, however, requires expensive maintenance and security....