Money Talk

Prepper Money toilet paper, ammunition and alcohol
In every crisis, you learn what is most important. Across America, the one item most people hoarded, during this Covid- 19 epidemic, was toilet paper, followed by disinfectants, face masks, hand cleaners...
Chicken Pot Pie Gourmet TV Dinner
Food is always popular, with people; talking about it, selling it, growing and raising it, trading recipes, criticizing it's taste and preparation, perfecting its creation, enjoying it...
Getting Screwed
The project is simple enough, putting up a thirteen foot shelf and using the shelf to secure a back privacy wall along a back porch wall. All that is needed is wood, deck screws, a...
Rainbow in my Front Yard A really nice one this time
The news we have these days is apocalyptic. Across the world, an unseen virus, emanating out of China, is obsessing people and governments. Daily, we are shown body bags and stressed hospitals,...
Empty Shelves How did we get here?
This is a scene from a local Wal-Mart, a scene many Americans are now becoming familiar with. This is the Russia we used to see on national TV, in the sixties and seventies, and talk about...
No B.S. Handwritten sign
ATM's have become many people's money solution. They are in countries all over the world and you can get cash in countries where no one speaks English and all the writing looks like hieroglyphics. The ATM's accept debit and credit cards, let you make...
Love Machine Squeeze the Handle
In the lobby of the Albuquerque County Line Barbecue, there is a special love machine for testing your love potential. This " Love Machine " costs a quarter for its diagnosis, and, for your quarter, you can see how you measure up on the love chart by...
Albuquerque’s E scooters Albuquerque's newest transportation
Albuquerque has just introduced E-Scooters to the Downtown Civic Plaza, Nob Hill, Old Town, and, eventually, other well frequented locations in the city. These scooters are lined up across from the Albuquerque Museum of Art, chatting up a storm and...
House for Sale Fountain Hill Park Area - Fountain Hills, Arizona
Real estate has always been investment worthy. People want to own a home and homes are assets that, in America, have historically appreciated in value. In retirement communities like this, there are always For Sale signs in yards though. People die, move...
Greg’s Trio Pizza IS EXTRA
Escaping Chicago in the winter months, Greg and Judy stay in Fountain Hills, Arizona and perform every Saturday night at a close to their house Fountain Hills eatery. They are joined tonight by a friend from Seattle, Tom Wakeling, who plays bass with Lee...
Camel Talk Smoking room, Santo Domingo Airport
Smoking has taken a beating in the United States. Most smoking in America has been banned from public buildings. All tobacco packaging has to contain scientific warnings that tobacco products are not good for your health. Tobacco is taxed at an...
Delicia de la Juan Restaurant Breakfast today
This little restaurant is one street north of the D'Beatrice Comida Criolla, another local eating place near my Santo Domingo guesthouse just outside the Zona Colonia. At lunch yesterday, there was a line here backing almost out the front door and all...