
Hopscotch Playing in the driveway
Hopscotch has been around a few hundred years, and hopscotch on driveways used to be a girls game in our neighborhood when we were growing up. The game takes balance, co-ordination, and planning,...
Dinosaur Music Meow Wolf, Santa Fe, New Mexico The little kid in us stays a long long time, if we are lucky.....
Dinosaurs like to color too Another Charlie creation
Each day there are people and things to be colored. Rainbows fade if they are not brightened up. Flowers lose their delicacy in the hot desert sun and always need a make over. Oceans take a slew of work to keep the best blue. Dino, created by Charlie for...
Kid Sculpture Shopping area in the Fountain Hills Park
Art, in many localities, is given a budget by city hall. Artists are then commissioned to produce public art for public consumption. Public art springs up in parks, in downtown open spaces near city halls, by busy streets and intersections. The art is...
Perfect for the Kid in All of Us Fountain Hills Park, Fountain Hills, Arizona
This place is made for kids. There are no sharp edges, nothing to scrape or cut, no nails, splinters, burrs or broken glass. The brightly colored posts can be walked around but are not easily climbed, colors are primary, and water falls from the...
Old World/New World Plaza Duarte, Santo Domingo DR Fundraiser
The old and new world co-exist, sometimes shake hands, but more often ignore one another. These kids are fundraising for a trip to Phoenix, Arizona for an International Hip-Hop Competition. These seniors,sitting on green crates in the park,close to them,...
Kid Time In the neighborhood
The boy walking the sidewalk in front of me is tossing a banana into the air and catching it as he walks. It could be a baseball, a football. a soccer ball, a stone or a pencil. Boys toss things into the air, catch them, and feel good with the world as...
Little Girl on her Wrist Phone Scotttreks at work
The map on one of the Starbuck's walls shows several continents. When you spread the world out, pin it to a wall, you take out all its bumps, contours, unknowns, inconsistencies. When Columbus laid out his world map on the sturdy table in his Captain's...
Cooped Up Stan's Chicken House
Stan has had back yard chickens for a few years. They weren't something he wanted as a childhood dream, but his adopted kids wanted chickens so he built them a first rate coop, feeds them, keeps their cage clean, and can't kill them because his daughter...
Rocking Horse For the Grandkids
In Charlie's front entry, his project materials are carefully spread on the floor. There are drills and hammers, paint brushes, screwdrivers, scissors and a set of instructions, if needed. In Charlie's newest project, the rocking horse rockers are...
Child’s Play Outside the Marble Brewery
Inside the downtown Marble Street Brewery, adults pursue spirits, music, networking, barbecue ribs, chips and salsa, self promotion, smoozing, passionate political arguments, soothing ruffled feathers, looking for sex, patching up business deals. Outside...
Doing the Wash Laundry day
The washer and dryer at Ms. Sue's starts early in the morning and ends late at night. With forty two kids, clothes get dirty and, even with throw away diapers, there is hardly time to wash, dry,fold, and hang. Some of the clothes are hand washed in...