Home Bases

House Car Home Sweet Home
This home on wheels was originally owned by a couple from Louisiana who traveled from town to town with a carnival. They sold kewpie dolls and prizes, and, as far as we know, lived as happy as the Old Lady who lived in a Shoe. Inside, it is roomy enough...
Campout at McDonalds Four thirty in the morning
Sometime last night this homeless statistic rolled her shopping cart onto Ronald McDonald's premises and parked it. The Albuquerque homeless problem is ubiquitous even if un-employment is low and jobs are rumored to be everywhere. Most ...
Casa Armijo 1st house in Albuquerque
The Armijo hacienda began as one of the first homes in Albuquerque, but was long ago resurrected as the popular Old Town restaurant, " La Placita. " Haciendas were self contained economically, spiritually, emotionally. Several generations of family...
The Gang’s All Here McDonald's
Five o' clock a.m. comes early and us boys head to the McDonalds at Lomas and Juan Tabo in Albuquerque most every morning of the week. Some of us read the newspaper, others do crosswords, some eat, most drink coffee, most tell jokes that are occasionally...
Home Sweet Home Home Sweet Home
Home bases take different looks. They can be hotel rooms, bungalows, RV's, tents, apartments, houses, townhouses.They can be overlooking the Atlantic in Uruguay, lost in the Andes, on Caribbean shores with palms and yachts, standing on stilts in a...
Wind Sock Boogie Coffee and doughnuts are ready
This wind sock, inflated early this morning, has flailing arms and an ambiguous smile on its face. Creede hasn't awoken yet, but June, the lady who lives in her parked Tiny House and sells food from her trailer cafe, is cooking already, at eight in the...
Building Castles Antonito, Colorado
Leaving Antonito, Colorado, it is not hard to see two gleaming towers off to the east, the sun glistening off silver spires made out of hub caps, flattened beer cans, wire, window casements and whatever other material comes into the hands of it's...
Snail and Tortoise sticking your head out
Back in yesteryear, a school assignment, in English, was to compare and contrast apples and oranges. The assignment was dropped on us to develop critical thinking, stimulate observation, and bring order to our primitive minds. The assignment proved that...
Scott’s Pad A warm shower whenever I want it
Next to Ms. Sue's is a house with an upstairs and a downstairs. Upstairs is rented to two east Indian scientists who run the Christianville lab on infectious diseases. Downstairs is a small two bedroom apartment, furnished, for guests at Christianville....
Ghosts Buildings in Marinduque
Buildings on Marinduque run the gamut from simple to complex. They can be as small as this tiny wood frame square box with a thatched roof, unscreened windows, padlocked front door, built off the ground, no air conditioning ,no electric, no plumbing....
Mayan Outpost with Iquanas Tulum Ruins
The location of this old Mayan city was well chosen. It is a place Mayan elite lived for the best part of the year,entertained visitors, enjoyed food and drink on porches as their sun sank into the Caribbean sea. There were simple platforms built on the...
Street scenes Rincon RV Resort early morning
It is nine in the morning and I see some walkers, a few bicycles, a golf cart, an older lady buttoned up in her custom get about on the Rincon RV Park streets. The speed limit is 10 miles per hour and a familiar saying is posted everywhere - " Remember,...