Getting Around

Highway 14 Between Madrid and Cerrillos, New Mexico
Highway 14 is a small ribbon of a road, two undulating lanes that roll and twist, that take traffic to Madrid and Cerrillos, New Mexico, and on to Santa Fe, or Albuquerque,...
Scotttreks Visits Embudo Canyon Albuquerque, New Mexico Enjoy the slideshow......Scott
Embudo Canyon Hike Albuquerque's East Side
Our country is now on " lock down. " I've never been through a government ordered lock down where businesses are shut down, movement is restricted, banks are closed except for drive up...
Ready to Go gassed up and ready to go
Most RV's spend most of their life in storage. Sometimes they are kept in their own garages like prized thoroughbreds. Most often they are parked in driveways, back yards, side lots - uncovered,...
River Rafting Near Creede, Colorado
The Rio Grande river is running high and fast with a bigger than normal snow pack this last winter. It is July and there are still big rocks in the middle of the river that you still can't see the tops of. Along the river's edges, rafters have parked...
Amish wagon on the road to Westcliff, Colorado
We pass people every day. An old man with a cane shuffles past us in the grocery, squinting to read the fine print on a box label.Two little children pull on their mom's dress at the bank as she makes a deposit and reaches them a sucker out of a little...
Someone Else’s Words Tour Bus, Santo Domingo
If I were on this tour bus I wouldn't have been able to take this picture. There are a myriad of ways to transport yourself on a vacation. This tour bus, as it goes by, shows faces inside glancing at me as the tour driver describes thIs area with a...
Albuquerque’s E scooters Albuquerque's newest transportation
Albuquerque has just introduced E-Scooters to the Downtown Civic Plaza, Nob Hill, Old Town, and, eventually, other well frequented locations in the city. These scooters are lined up across from the Albuquerque Museum of Art, chatting up a storm and...
Flying Home Another trip into the books
Airports are transitional. In airports we are moving to someplace new or returning to someplace familiar. We are waiting interminable hours then squeezing into airplanes that take us 35,000 feet above the Earth and show us movies. We are victims of...
Poetry in Motion Zona Colonia, Santo Domingo, Monday evening
Words, bless their little hearts, can say a lot of things. They can take the form of a contract, come firing out of mouths like an old gattling gun . They can make people love or hate us, and, in the right mixture, sooth and calm the most indignant...
Trip to Sanoa Island From Santo Domingo
Those going on this day trip from Santo Domingo to Sanoa Island start at the Pizzerelli Pizza Palace at six forty five in the morning. There is no one on the street this morning when I walk to our assigned pick up point, but, at the pizza place, there...
Shoe Problem Impossible to clean
These are a pair of Scott's work shoes from when he used to work hard. Instead of being covered with paint, which was Scott's trade when public school teaching became intolerable,one of these shoes has residue from floor tile adhesive on its toe. The...