Friends & Family

Shopping at ” 99″ Chinese shopping
If it crawls, slides, slips, flips,slithers, climbs, it is not safe. At "99", in Albuquerque, there are selections to fit Chinese tastes. Today, Ruby has a taste for seafood, and, lifting up a black cloth, she goes after blue and white colored...
Fossil Hunt NM - South 14
New Mexico was once at the bottom of a great sea. Over millions of years, carbon creatures died and drifted to the bottom of that sea and became preserved in silt. Layer upon layer of silt turned to stone and the fragile bodies of once living creatures...
Railway Market Sax Therapy
On Sundays, during warmer months in Albuquerque, an old train barn opens its huge metal doors to the public. Vendors set up inside to sell their produce, art, clothes, soaps and lotions, health food, get signatures for green projects and alternative...
Gran Quivera Salinas Pueblo Missions
Between Roswell and Mountainair, in New Mexico, there is enough open space to house millions of people, plus livestock. Land stretches from the road as far as you can see. Whether the planet is running out of space or just resources needed to support...
Roswell Football New Mexico Military Institute
Saturday night football has pulled into the station. Leaves are turning, temps dip into the forties at night, football practice consumes players, and especially coaches. This Saturdays game matches the Arizona Western Matadors and the New Mexico Military...
Courtyard Texas Oasis
One can see joy when Bedouin travelers top a mountain of sand and wind their way down to an oasis with date trees, water, and a flat place to set up tents, unroll hand woven rugs, and build small fires in the enormous desert night. This courtyard is the...
Water Wheel Observation Point- Palo Duro Canyon
There used to be a small stream here that meandered down the hill and went over the edge of the canyon and fell into a deep dark hole below us. The land's owner built himself an observation platform, erected a light pole, and built a water wheel that...
Sandell Drive In Clarendon, Texas
Drive In movies, in the fifties, were a popular family outing and also a place where teens, borrowing the family car, could get away and explore birds and bees in the back seat of station wagons. The latest Hollywood movies were projected onto huge...
Charles Goodnight J and A Cattle Ranch
Not far from Clarendon, Texas is the homestead and ranch headquarters of Charles Goodnight, a pioneer Texas rancher. In the mid to late 1800's, he controlled a ranch of over a million acres, had 180 cowboys on his payroll, and was an industry by himself....
Palo Duro Sunrise Deer Ears and a red sun
This mule deer beelines to Alan's back yard to have dessert. There are sunflowers off Alan's back porch and when this deer snaps one off the stem he looks like a little kid eating a piece of brightly colored candy. When I move towards a large living room...
Fixer Upper Good help is Good to Find
This remodel on Shirley, for Alan, is a long, twisted, dirty novel that is taking some work to get read. There are convoluted chapters, hairpin curves, a cast of characters that belong in a Louisiana swamp. This job is not one you want to bring a friend...
Albuquerque Uptown Apple at night
ABQ Marketplace on Louisiana has eclipsed Winrock Center, the original Albuquerque Mall. While Winrock is now huge piles of dirt, exposed steel, jack hammered asphalt, chain link fences and construction signs, ABQ Marketplace is stocked with big name...