Friends & Family

Nowhere, Arizona Not at the end of the dirt road, but almost
Nowhere is a place too. Nowhere is often a remote, uninteresting, nondescript place, a place having no prospect of progress or success, obscure, miles from anything or anyone. Nowhere is often a place no one else wants to be, a place that offers no...
Grand Canyon State Building a shed
Henry David Thoreau got tired of his rat race in the 1800's and retreated to Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts to live a simpler life. As a transcendentalist, he believed getting close to nature would get him closer to truth, wisdom, God, and peace....
Photo’s for Pat new photos with Nikon DSLR
Sometimes you just don't know what you are missing till you try something else. Pat has been persistently trying to move Scott to a DSLR for several years. " I Phone cameras are good for what they are, " he has always maintained, " but cell phones make...
Between a Rock and a Hard Place Embudo Canyon Hike- Albuquerque
This rock, more than a stone but not a boulder, in Embudo Canyon in the Albuquerque foothills, has been moved onto the trail, by something other than wind, water or wishes. It appears to have been lifted from a nearby mound of dirt. Where the rock used...
LaFonda Hotel Part of the Santa Fe History
The LaFonda Hotel has been a fixture in Santa Fe going back decades. The current hotel was built in 1922 on a downtown site where the first Santa Fe hotel was built in 1607 when Spaniards came to town. It is on the register of the Historic Hotels of...
Cooped Up Stan's Chicken House
Stan has had back yard chickens for a few years. They weren't something he wanted as a childhood dream, but his adopted kids wanted chickens so he built them a first rate coop, feeds them, keeps their cage clean, and can't kill them because his daughter...
Gallery of Asian Art Amarillo College, Amarillo
The Amarillo College Museum has several floors and this Friday, after Thanksgiving, Alan, Cousin Jim and Scott ,visit both floors. On the second floor, one of the museum's permanent exhibits features sculptures carved from sandstone dating from the 1st...
Turkey Time A Day of Thanks, 2018
Pots and pans are on the stove, the table has been set for three, a Butterball Turkey browns in the oven. It took four hours for this bird to cook and slicing it up on the kitchen counter means dinner is close. Alan, Sherrie, and I have Thanksgiving this...
Llamas Larkspur, Colorado
Llamas are an important working animal in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and other high Andes South American countries used to transport goods where vehicles can't go. This llama,far from its home and relatives, is boarded at Dave's daughter Kim's house in the...
Beth’s Place Benkleman, Nebraska
This might be Beth's Bar and Grill, but it might not be Beth who serves us. This morning our hostess, waitress is a short, stubby, older looking than she is woman who wears house slippers and a blue apron. She screws up her face funny when she writes our...
In the Geo-Hut Home Bases
The Geo-Hut is adjacent to the derrick, hooked up to electric with heaters blasting 24/7 to deal with deteriorating colder and colder weather. Snow started yesterday and has laid a six inch blanket atop the Geo-Hut roof. Inside the...
Weston’s 1960 El Camino Going for a paint job
This car is no longer a car. It is a piece of family history. In high school, Weston started banging out its dents, measuring from A to B, searching the internet for alternators and chrome. In college, he was home for holidays and fashioned new panels to...