Old World/New World Plaza Duarte, Santo Domingo DR Fundraiser

  Audio Player   The old and new world co-exist, sometimes shake hands, but more often ignore one another. These kids are fundraising for a trip to Phoenix, Arizona for an International Hip-Hop Competition. These seniors,sitting on green crates in the park,close to them, are seeing their peace and quiet taken over by the new world crashing in like rapping waves, The Indians that saw Columbus might have felt the same way this old generation might be feeling right now. In this world, there is room for everybody, but we need plenty of benches with some space between them.  

God Bless Santo Domingo Jardin Botanico snack stop

  Audio Player   At the Jardin Botanico in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, it is lunch time. On the menu is one part indigenous people, one part Europeans, one part Hispanics, one part black Africans. Combine the European, African, Caribbean and Dominican recipe and you have a spicy melody served up with lots of spirit and joy. The motto here is ” Don’t worry – Be Happy. ” Most who live here try to live up to this motto. Whether being happy is a genetic accident or learned behavior is a question learned psychologists are still trying to sort out. I kept repeating the island motto over and over, and start feeling much better. Much of what we worry about never happens anyway.    

Jardin Botanico Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

  Audio Player   A ten minute taxi ride to the north of the Zona Colonia are the National Botanical Gardens of the Dominican Republic.   The gardens are huge and narrow city sidewalks are traded for wide foot paths to walk freely in wide open spaces This Sunday there is a long wavy line at the admissions gate, before opening time, and the charge to enter is just one hundred pesos -fifty cents U.S. In the front entrance of the park, there is an orchid sale in progress and customers are carrying them in wheelbarrows to their vehicles in the parking lots. Orchids are very delicate beautiful flowers and it is explained to me, by my taxi driver, that they are very popular in the Dominican Republic. People hang them in their homes and show them on outside balconies. Whether it is Cuenca, Ecuador or the United States, or Santo Domingo, people love flowers and nature. I can hear the city around me, but can’t see it inside the park’s cocoon of trees. Like the Botanical Gardens in Montevideo, this is prime real estate that people with foresight put on the protected list a long time ago. Outside the huge cities of the world, however,nature still swings a big bat  and the places people don’t want to live, can’t live, or don’t have the resources to go, are many. Even in a world of seven billion people, there are places to escape humanity when you feel the need. Even though the city is pressing around us on all sides, the Jardin is natural enough to lift us up this morning, remind us that this planet is still, with exceptions, a Garden of Eden. Stewardship is mentioned in “Genesis”, in the Holy Bible. Taking care of what we got should be on the top of everyone’s to do list.  

Plazas in the Zona Colonia Sunday evening,dinner time

  Audio Player   Shadows begin to form in the early evening, thick stones in old city walls seem less heavy and ancient, a softness wraps itself around the Parque Colon, the Santo Domingo Cathedral, the bars, restaurants and hotels in the Zona Colonia. This World Heritage old city is a well visited area, picked by Unesco to celebrate because of it’s culture and history. In the evening, the sun light switch turns down in slow degrees and people come out to sit on benches, visit, watch tourists, and enjoy the feel of a place where Christopher Columbus once walked. Plaza Billini recognizes the efforts of a well loved and respected Catholic priest who founded hospitals and orphanages in Santo Domingo. Plaza Duarte celebrates one of the founders of the Dominican Republic who was, ironically, a poet, writer and activist instead of being just a military man brandishing a sword and riding a horse. Tonight, there are bursts of life coming from all directions. There is the Chu Chu train passing our two plazas taking visitors for a tour, explaining dozens of important locations where important people in Dominican Republic history lived and played their part on life’s stage.. When you walk the streets here there are plaques on the walls of residences everywhere that remind you that these blank faced, neglected buildings once contained living breathing hero’s and heroine’s. Staying in the Zona Colonia, even a few days, lets you forget International Airports, freeways, Interstates, sky rise apartments, business complexes, urban scrawl and our modern world.  Our modern world has gotten too quick, large, and complicated. Sitting in a little Plaza, off the main business streets, makes my world more intimate, personal, and endearing. When was the last time we wanted to hug New York cities tallest skyscraper?   

Fishing by the Napolitano Casino Fishermen rise early

  Audio Player   Before seven in the morning, a kid passes me on his old bicycle, carrying a five gallon plastic bucket, with bait and tackle inside, on his bicycle handlebars. His fishing pole sticks out of an empty milk container secured to his back bike fender with a long bungee cord. When the kid, who whizzes past me, makes a left turn towards the water, a block further down, I know for sure he is going fishing and joining another fisherman friend where the water meets the land. There are fishermen on this jetty every morning, just at sunrise, and sometimes in the evening, at sunset. While you can catch fish other times of day, fisherman tell you exactly when the time is best to bait a hook, cast out, and wait for the fish to bite. This Santo Domingo park, by the Napolitano Casino, will soon have its walkers and exercise people. City crews are putting down new sod and walkers, taking fresh air on a cool morning, can use a new swing set installed the other day by the parks and recreation department work crew. I watched some of the workers test the swing out, laughing, happy because it was almost quitting time. At the end of the concrete jetty I am heading for, these two compadres already have their lines in the surf and are watching the sun come up over a not too distant shipyard as a ship steams past us towards the west. Fishermen are eternally hopeful. If you don’t try to catch anything, you won’t catch anything. The kid’s bicycle is laid on the rocks close to him, and, if he is lucky and is using the right temptation, he will take some fish home for breakfast this morning, in his five gallon bucket with his bait, tackle, and pole still sticking out of the milk crate.  

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