Scott’s Latest Posts

” The Fountain “ Fountain Hills, Arizona
This morning, the Fountain goes off at nine sharp, the same time as all the local businesses open. Ducks cruise past it like little feathered boats as a steady geyser of water is propelled several hundred feet into the air. I film the eruption from...
Morning Stroll Lake in the center of Fountain Hills, Arizona
The landscape in this part of Arizona has few trees and even less water. It has jagged rocky hills that rise from the desert floor like turtle heads coming up out of their shell. The tallest vegetation, for miles, is the saquaro cactus that we first...
Portillo’s In Fountain Hills, Arizona
At closing, Portillo's, in Fountain Hills, is almost empty. The eatery specializes in Chicago food, hot dogs, polish sausage and Italian Beef. The restaurant is gleaming and has checkered tablecloths, old style movie posters and employees dressed in...
Greg’s Trio Pizza IS EXTRA
Escaping Chicago in the winter months, Greg and Judy stay in Fountain Hills, Arizona and perform every Saturday night at a close to their house Fountain Hills eatery. They are joined tonight by a friend from Seattle, Tom Wakeling, who plays bass with Lee...
Roots Building a storage shed
The things of man start with an idea. Either you are hungry, uncomfortable, scared, envious, or in love. Sometimes you are just bored and want to change because you can. Chip and Lori want to live simple and live free as far from civilization as...
Nowhere, Arizona Not at the end of the dirt road, but almost
Nowhere is a place too. Nowhere is often a remote, uninteresting, nondescript place, a place having no prospect of progress or success, obscure, miles from anything or anyone. Nowhere is often a place no one else wants to be, a place that offers no...
Arizona Cows On a dirt road to nowhere
Where country begins is " when you start to see cows. " We are not in prime cow country in this high desert Arizona.There is much better grazing in Texas, and, even better, in Uruguay.The grass on this little piece of our planet is sparse and competes...
Grand Canyon State Building a shed
Henry David Thoreau got tired of his rat race in the 1800's and retreated to Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts to live a simpler life. As a transcendentalist, he believed getting close to nature would get him closer to truth, wisdom, God, and peace....
Flying Home Another trip into the books
Airports are transitional. In airports we are moving to someplace new or returning to someplace familiar. We are waiting interminable hours then squeezing into airplanes that take us 35,000 feet above the Earth and show us movies. We are victims of...
Camel Talk Smoking room, Santo Domingo Airport
Smoking has taken a beating in the United States. Most smoking in America has been banned from public buildings. All tobacco packaging has to contain scientific warnings that tobacco products are not good for your health. Tobacco is taxed at an...
Photo’s for Pat new photos with Nikon DSLR
Sometimes you just don't know what you are missing till you try something else. Pat has been persistently trying to move Scott to a DSLR for several years. " I Phone cameras are good for what they are, " he has always maintained, " but cell phones make...
Happy Home 19th Century Museo of Tostada
Across from Billini plaza is a well to do man's home of the nineteen hundreds. His home, which I am shown through, is several hundred years older than the Alcazar de Don Colon and several hundred years behind homes you find now in the Zona Colonia with...