Scott’s Latest Posts

Bumblebee Lunchtime Backyard dining
If I were a true horticulturist, I would know what this bush in my back yard is called. I would know its scientific and common names. I would know if the plant has medicinal uses, how much water it needs, the proper way to trim it, the best times of the...
All Smiles 206 bones
Waiting for the Doctor, after a nurse has checked my oxygen levels, put me on a scale, written down my issues on her note pad, the examining room is as basic as the intake procedure. There are some Q tips in a little jar next to the sink. There is an...
Tiny House Southfork, Colorado
Colorado is one of the leading states in the tiny house movement in the United States.This state has over 20 builders who have built tiny houses, has an annual Colorado Tiny House Festival in Brighton, and a Colorado Tiny House Association that...
Creede, Colorado 19th century meets 21st century
Creede's reason for existence started and ended with silver. Rich mines were tunneled into the Earth and precious minerals were extracted. At one time Creede had 10,000 inhabitants. The population now is 290, the mines have played out, and the...
River Rafting Near Creede, Colorado
The Rio Grande river is running high and fast with a bigger than normal snow pack this last winter. It is July and there are still big rocks in the middle of the river that you still can't see the tops of. Along the river's edges, rafters have parked...
What’s Real? Reflections on a lake
The reflection of the clouds,on the lake's calm surface,quiver. The reflection of the forest's trees, on the lake's surface, reaches across the lake almost to the bank we are fishing from and look as if trees themselves are growing out of the lake, right...
Hermit’s Lake Richard and Maria's get away
Mornings and evenings at Hermit's Lake are natural wonders. The lake, this evening, is without ripples. Fish rise with a splash to the water's surface, for flies, an eagle lazily circles above us, watching the lake's surface for the same fish we are...
Fishing the Rio Grande fishing on rafts on upper Rio Grande
The Rio Grande river runs through New Mexico and most of the state's population and bigger cities hug the river's edges all the way through the state, from north to south. The river is sustained by melting winter snow pack in Colorado and this is a good...
Great Sand Dunes National Monument Near Alamosa, Colorado
I was told by a brother, Neal, and, by Pat, that the Great Sand Dunes are worth a look so I take a quick side trip to test their recommendation. The dunes get bigger as I drive a narrow two lane road from the big highway deeper into the National...
You can sleep when you are dead coffee sign deja vu
The last time I saw this sign was in Montevideo, Uruguay at the Ramon Massini Hotel/Suites. That sign was in the lobby near a coffee machine operated with tokens you bought from the front desk. This afternoon I see the same sign at Candy's Coffee in...
Sugar and Spice Mountain Bakery Westcliff, Colorado
On a Saturday morning, Westcliff is closed for business. The Sugar and Spice Bakery is one of the few places open in town this early and seven patrons are already lined up ahead of me getting something to eat. The two young women running the shop wear...
Amish wagon on the road to Westcliff, Colorado
We pass people every day. An old man with a cane shuffles past us in the grocery, squinting to read the fine print on a box label.Two little children pull on their mom's dress at the bank as she makes a deposit and reaches them a sucker out of a little...