Scott’s Adventures in Uruguay

Photo Shoot On the pier in the Rio Uruguay
Saturdays start slow in Salto. Even hound dogs sleep in this morning, worn out from chasing girls all night. On the Rio Uruguay, small boat Captains are pushing their fishing boats hard, taking two, three, four paying customers further up the...
Gaucho Stuck in a museum
One of the first things I pick up in a new place is a local map. I find main streets, find plazas, find the river, find the bus terminal or airport, a good place to eat, the farmacia, and someone who knows a little English if I get in a jam. The map the...
Plants For Sale El Nuevo Vivero
As in Montevideo, there are antiquated homes in Salto too. This old casa, on a street off the main thoroughfare, is one that needs more care than it will ever get. While it waits for someone with a dream to fall in love with it, it is a garden shop - El...
Fish Monsters Catfish monsters
This morning, I walk down Calle Uruguay, all the way to the Rio Uruguay. This river separates Argentina and Uruguay. Though it isn't the Mississippi or the Nile, or the Amazon, it meets the rock test. If a body of water is so big you can't throw a rock...
Three Crosses Bus Terminal Time to kill
The bus ride from Punta Del Este back to Montevideo takes three hours and ends at the Three Crosses Terminal. Downstairs, bus companies, representing large and small bus lines that cover all routes in Uruguay, are selling tickets and loading luggage and...
Uruguay is Green Bus ride to Salto
If I were a cow, the only place I would want to live would be Uruguay. Much like Arabs love their desert and sailors love their ocean, cows have to love this country. Those of us going to Salto on Monday, and there aren't many of us, board the bus at...
La Paloma/Uruguay Lighthouse and surf
Rocha was my original goal. My bus gets to Rocha and within a few minutes I am wondering why I bothered to make the trip? Sometimes you get to a point where you get stuck and the best thing to do is go to a restaurant, have a drink, and evaluate....
Juan Carlos and Mate National drink
Marijuana is legal in Uruguay. You don't see much of it on the streets. A few surfers under palm trees indulge themselves, the pungent smell immediately detectable. You see tourists enjoying the herb in public, flaunting authorities. However, the...
Ralli Museum Beverly Hills Look Alike
There is a Beverly Hills of Punta Del Este, Uruguay. They call it a barrio, like other barrios, but, the houses are immense, the yards larger, the privacy maintained, and no clunkers are allowed on the streets. The Beverly Hills barrio of Punta Del Este...
A Day at the Beach A popular place
Punta Del Este is still a ghost town this time of year, in November. This town by the ocean comes alive in December, January, February and March. Prices go up, locals rent out their homes for triple prices, hotels make enough in a few months to make...
Real estate is always for sale Schemes and dreams
There must be as many real estate sales offices in Punta Del Este as there are places for sale and rent. No one stays put these days and for all the places here that has someone living in them, you still have plenty of places that are empty. This is a...
Santa Everyone knows Santa
On vacation, where it is warm and people lay on the beach, you forget about Christmas. Christmas comes in December no matter where you are in the world. In this Punta Del Este shopping mall, Christmas has arrived, decorations are out, Santa has been...