Scott’s Adventures in Texas

Asia in Sandstone Amarillo College Museum
Some sculptures exhibited are behind glass, others are open to visitors to peer at closely, peek at the small shadows in the creases of the faces. Some of the work is utilitarian, made to ornament balustrades and pillars. Other works stood in temples...
Gallery of Asian Art Amarillo College, Amarillo
The Amarillo College Museum has several floors and this Friday, after Thanksgiving, Alan, Cousin Jim and Scott ,visit both floors. On the second floor, one of the museum's permanent exhibits features sculptures carved from sandstone dating from the 1st...
Turkey Time A Day of Thanks, 2018
Pots and pans are on the stove, the table has been set for three, a Butterball Turkey browns in the oven. It took four hours for this bird to cook and slicing it up on the kitchen counter means dinner is close. Alan, Sherrie, and I have Thanksgiving this...
The Bench Sunrise Palo Duro Canyon, Texas
Palo Duro canyon isn't far from Amarillo. If you head east from Amarillo you hit the Texas Palo Duro State Park where you can drive down into the canyon and access its visitor center and exhibits. On road cuts in the canyon below Alan's home we look for...
Cloud Patterns At the Ranch
Most people call these " clouds " and stop. A few go further and describe them as " beautiful clouds," or, if a scientist, " atmospheric conflagrations. " My aunt called them " buttermilk " clouds when she was hunched in a bird blind shooting photographs...
Up a Creek Currie Ranch
The creek is in better shape today than fifty years ago. Then, creek banks were crowded with brush. Now, you can stand on the bank and easily cast your tackle. There are still cat tails in the creek but they are controlled by a local wildlife...
Golf in a Cow Pasture Chasing Par
River Falls has a make believe golf course in a cow pasture not far from the Texas Palo Duro Canyon. This area has been transformed from grazing to ranchettes. With an airport, five acre lots, utilities and roads, the development attracts people with...
Horsing Around Alan's cookie jar
In the 1950's, Patsy Cline was the premier country western singer. Her lyrics mirrored those of today; broken relationships, falling in and out of love, working for a living, heartaches and headaches. She was talked up in the tabloids, wore clothes as...
Caesar’s Sweet Roll Sweet roll Supreme
This sweet roll is pure Texas. Tired of omelets, biscuits and gravy, toast, waffles, steaks with eggs over easy, diners can always opt for a non-politically correct sweet roll breakfast that Lyle Lovett would feature in his kind of songs....
It’s Five o’Clock somewhere Pier 19 at 7:00 a.m.
At seven in the morning, you show yourself down several hallways into the restaurant. Giovanni or one of the girls gets a pot of coffee and a full cup to me when they see me. When the wind blows I can feel the entire pier swing its hips like a drunk hula...
South Padre Island Sunset Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016
The sky is burning and, if it wasn't, there would be no reason to snap this photo. Joan, Neal's wife, and the rest of us, all stare as we all walk towards the Shrimp Haus, a South Padre Island restaurant that features shrimp, shrimp, and more shrimp -...
Isla Blanca Park RV's welcome
Isla Blanca Park is owned and operated by Cameron County, Texas. It is at the southern tip of South Padre Island and has hundreds of full service sites for snowbirds, overnight visitors, campers. It is a destination for most, a stop on the road for some,...