Scott’s Adventures in Nicaragua

Thirty seconds 30 second soundbyte
Thirty seconds at shoreline of Laguna de Apoyo, Nicaragua, mid morning.
Laguna de Apoyo between Managua and Granada
This Lagoon was formed 23,000 years ago after an explosion on one on Mombacho's bad hair days. It is fed by a number of surface and underground water sources and is one of the first Nature Preserves created in Nicaragua to preserve the country's natural...
Electrical Shutdown A day job
Early morning, city crews are closing traffic on Calle Libertidad and an intersecting residential street. An old fashioned wood electrical pole is going to be replaced by a newer fiberglass model,and new electrical lines are being strung to provide more...
Tortuga Alert by the pool for Joan
There are exotic birds in the pool area, some in cages, some free in the banana trees. Two of the caged birds are varieties of parrot and several others are parakeets. They are brought out by staff in mid morning and climb obstacles in their cages, hang...
Staircase Merced Church Granada
I look for the little white sandwich sign in front of the Merced church that tells me it is open. When I see that sign, I pay thirty Cordova's to climb a narrow circular staircase to the highest points in the Tower and snap photos of Granada from the...
Signs of the Time On the Wall in San Juan Del Sur
Life is One Big Holiday.
El Gato Negro Coffeehouse Bookstore and Roasting Company
The only thing missing is the black cat this coffeehouse is named for. I look in a wicker chair by the front door for a curled feline with its tail wrapped around its contracted paws. I look on top of the nearest bookshelf where wind funnels through an...
Pigeon Party Early morning SJDS
The last pigeon conference I crashed was in San Sebastian Park, Cuenca, Ecuador. Walking through these San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua pigeons, a few take flight as I move into their ranks, but most continue eating scraps thrown out by the restaurant's...
Maderas Beach going to the surf
The best surf is not in San Juan Del Sur. To reach any one of the best surfing spots north and south of SJDS you have to take a shuttle. For modest dollars, you load into trucks, jeeps, vans, and are driven through back country, down winding dirt paths...
San Jun Del Sur, Nicaragua one reason people show up
In the heat of the day, the beach in San Juan Del Sur is almost unoccupied. There are few people walking its length, even fewer walking into the surf too cool off. Waitresses and waiters stay under their canvas roofs and swat insects with menus. Dogs...
Landing in San Juan Del Sur planting a flag
It is probable that some Spanish conquistador planted a flag on this beach, had a prayer said by the priest on the expedition, and had to pull a sword and fight locals who didn't like the intrusion. San Juan Del Sur is a most popular place, a party town,...
Mexican Train Dominos board games on wednesday afternoon
Scotttreks eats up lots of shoe leather. An easier day is board game afternoon on Wednesdays, This Wednesday, our game is Mexican Train dominoes in Nicaragua.. There are rules and procedures, but all domino games end the same. In domino's, if you play...