Scott’s Adventures in Nebraska

Beth’s Place Benkleman, Nebraska
This might be Beth's Bar and Grill, but it might not be Beth who serves us. This morning our hostess, waitress is a short, stubby, older looking than she is woman who wears house slippers and a blue apron. She screws up her face funny when she writes our...
Out in the Middle of a Farmer’s Field W.C. Fields #1
Going into the hole you add pipe, coming out of the hole you take away pipe.. It is snowing but the drillers don't stop. When you are drilling a mile down you don't leave the hole open long. The Earth doesn't tolerate straws dipped into its...
As American as Apple Pie Near Benkleman, Nebraska, November. 2018
On the derrick, a crew of three roughnecks stop drilling to make the pipe going into the Earth one length longer. A length of pipe is retrieved from the squirrel cage at the top of the rig, lowered to the captured and clamped pipe at the roughnecks feet....
In the Geo-Hut Home Bases
The Geo-Hut is adjacent to the derrick, hooked up to electric with heaters blasting 24/7 to deal with deteriorating colder and colder weather. Snow started yesterday and has laid a six inch blanket atop the Geo-Hut roof. Inside the...
W. C. Fields #1 Hard at Work
The rig moved in four days ago. The drilling crew are cold and wet but crews run twenty four seven coming back out of the hole only to replace a broken or dull bit, or let a logger test a zone. Despite what you read in the Washington Post, the Denver...
Black Gold near Benkleman, Nebraska
Snow blew in yesterday and is falling earthward softly. Big sloppy soft flakes hit a diesel power plant that runs all the rig lights and equipment, touch hot metal and turn to water on contact. Snow covers the roof of the mud logger's SUV and dark mid...