Scott’s Adventures in Mexico

Tulum Sunrise February, 2017
Chat from the Boneyard death on display
When you walk in Tulum, you become accustomed to meeting bones. There are full fledged skeletons sitting on park benches, skulls with sunglasses and jaunty caps on shop shelves, brightly colored ceramic skulls with smiling teeth and bulging eyes. It is...
Hauling Seaweed Even on the best beaches
Tides are capricious. Some places on this beach you find no nasty presents from high tide. There is white sand, pools of trapped sea water, an occasional shell. Other places you find a narrow strip of seaweed, like Christmas tinsel on a living room...
Gatos in Paradise making themselves comfortable
Cats are everywhere in Tulum, Mexico. These gatos sleep during the day and hunt at night. Even when asleep they can wake instantly, move into a predatory stance, run up a tree trunk to safety amid sea grape leaves. They are used to people, allow...
Caribbean Sea at Tulum, Mexico Hotel Zone - Tulum
The sea changes like a model's face. One moment it is smooth as glass all the way to the horizon, the meeting of water and sky straight as a pencil line drawn by laying a ruler down. The horizon is so straight that you believe the world is flat like old...
Gran Cenote Mayan Fresh Water
There is water wherever you look, but it tastes salty and won't take away your thirst. Water falls from the sky, but, on land flatter than a tabletop, it doesn't run into rivers and down into the sea. Water seeps into the ground and collects in...
The Burro says Hi scott and friend
You never know who you will meet on your morning walk. This burro is grazing by the side of the road, and, moments earlier, posed for a photo with a young man and his girl friend, who then snapped this photo of Scott in reciprocity. The burro decides he...
Money Exchange pesos to dollars, dollars to pesos
Today, the exchange rate is nineteen pesos to a dollar. Along the Hotel Zone strip, ATM's, when they are working, dispense pesos or dollars. If you need money, you walk, bike, or drive to a little pitched roof shack on the main road not far from the...
Sales Receipt as real as it gets
Sales receipts are prosaic. On most there are times and dates, food ordered and its price, balances due and how the bill was paid. There is a spot for taxes and gratuities. There can be series of numbers indicating stock numbers of merchandise, re-order...
Food in the Yucatan eating well
There is color here. The beach is a blinding white slightly curving belt of sand holding the blue sea and green jungle loosely around the waist. The sky is a blue un-fenced playground for white soft clouds sailing like yachts. Sunlight is intense and...
Mayan Outpost with Iquanas Tulum Ruins
The location of this old Mayan city was well chosen. It is a place Mayan elite lived for the best part of the year,entertained visitors, enjoyed food and drink on porches as their sun sank into the Caribbean sea. There were simple platforms built on the...
Tulum Beach in the surf
The surf rumbles all day and all night. Where water meets land, long white capped waves roll over, roll under, and roll onto the land like conquerors. There are high and low tides and thin legged birds kick bubbles left by the waves like Colombian soccer...