Scott’s Adventures in Mexico

Mariachi Cancun Airport
Trumpets are not quiet instruments. In the Cancun Airport, Terminal Three, a trumpet and guitars serenade travelers arriving and departing from Mexico. The terminal is full of duty free shops, and, if you didn't pick up gifts before, this is your last...
Yoga Time searching for peace
Yoga studios are prevalent in Tulum. At nine sharp, practitioners dress in loose fitting clothes, clutch their orange or green mats, make their way into the yoga studio and begin exercises with a background of soothing music and the reassuring voice of a...
Main Street, Tulum Tulum
Most villages, towns and cities, small or large, old or new, have a Main Street. Main streets support shops, offices, hotels, restaurants, government compounds. Some have divided boulevards for traffic, bike paths, sidewalks for pedestrians. Main streets...
Taking our order waiter's office
Across the road from the Hemingway Romantic Eco-Cottages is an open air bar with picnic tables covered by Mexican tablecloths, salt and pepper shakers made with small Corona bottles, pithy signs and a cooking area where a chef makes tacos, a specialty of...
Playing in the Sand Sandman
There are sand creations on beaches. They start as an idea, then move past idea to become reality. Artists bring their buckets and shovels, pots and rakes, sticks or bones, bottle caps or string, shells or seaweed to make hair. They kneel in the sand,...
Professor Jones Wearing a Red Bowtie coffee ice cream with strawberries
If you have time to order mid day ice cream in a different country, served by staff who don't know your language, with a white cloth napkin and clean silverware,you don't need to worry about price or how quick to eat it. This is a full three scoops of...
Mexico Nights Ahau Tulum Hotel
At sundown, people in Tulum begin to congregate. From their tables in the dining area at Ahau Tulum, customers and friends watch the sun go down as the Caribbean Sea vanishes into dark. As sunlight dims, people leave the beach, wash away sand and suntan...
Cupid’s Arrows watch out - here comes one
On the wall of a shop,these Cupid twins smile lustily, with a trace of the Devil in their expressions. Cupids are often known to have smiling faces, flowing blond hair,rotund bodies. They fly in the air with ease and are particularly in evidence in...
Morning Vision setting out mannikins
Along the Hotel Zone main road in Tulum, Mexico there are diversions. There are small coffee shops that sell Mexican coffee, flavored with sugar, and delicious pastries for individual palates. Restaurants push seafood, Indian food, Italian, Chinese,...
Nature an afternoon at the beach
Rock colored birds face the wind so their bodies aren't scattered like bowling pins. Pelicans circle us above, dive like missiles, their pointed beaks becoming spears, surfacing with wiggling fish. Sea colors, shades of green and blue, modulate. Waves...
Net fishing catching dinner
At dinnertime, a pelican begins his dive. He circles his target, turns himself into a projectile by tucking his wings to his body,and disappears head first into the surf. When he comes back to the water's surface, he shakes his wings and recomposes, a...
Yoga Shala Key bent but not broken
There are several postcards about keys on Scotttreks. There is one postcard on a Montevideo door lock and three keys that look the same. There is one postcard on a break and enter situation in Belize when Jack's renter doesn't leave a key and he has to...