Scott’s Adventures in the Dominican Republic

Delicia de la Juan Restaurant Breakfast today
This little restaurant is one street north of the D'Beatrice Comida Criolla, another local eating place near my Santo Domingo guesthouse just outside the Zona Colonia. At lunch yesterday, there was a line here backing almost out the front door and all...
Plaza Espana On an evening in March
Plaza Espana is a popular night spot in Santo Domingo. There are events and live music here. but, this evening, early, people are just beginning to arrive as the moon rises just above Columbus's right shoulder. The Alcazar de Don Colon is closed and...
Arturo Fuente Cigar Club Cigar Expedition Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Tobacco farms and factories are actually located closer to the city of Santiago but you can get a whiff of the industry in Santo Domingo. The Arturo Fuentes Cigar Club, in Santo Domingo, is a retail smoke shop, but it is also a gathering place for those...
Hand rolling cigars in DR In the Zona Colonia
The little cigar making room, entered through a small corner tobacco shop in the Zona Colonia, has four men inside. One is reading the paper, another is watching the cigars being made, two men are working - making cigars, by hand, one at a time. "...
Artist at Work @instagram Juan Rodriquez Artista
Just off Colon Plaza, straight east past the Pizzerella pizza parlor, Juan Voight shows up to work every day. He says he has been an artist since he was a little boy, teaches at the college just behind his little outdoor work space, and makes his living...
Street Empanadas One street over from Calle Estrellita
Every time I pass, I see customers at this little empanada stand - ordering, sitting in these plastic lawn chairs,visiting, stopping a moment in life, standing, moving away, replaced in moments by someone else. It is all very random. The process is like...
Night Basketball Keeping in the neighborhood
At night, when it is cool, Santo Domingo neighborhood people, in the Colonial District, congregate in front of the local mini market and watch sports on a big screen television. This group of grown men and women, on the closest corner to the the LaPuerta...
Poetry in Motion Zona Colonia, Santo Domingo, Monday evening
Words, bless their little hearts, can say a lot of things. They can take the form of a contract, come firing out of mouths like an old gattling gun . They can make people love or hate us, and, in the right mixture, sooth and calm the most indignant...
Godfather street Zona Colonia- Calle Hostos
According to one of my first guides, Alberto, this Godfather Street is where parts of the movie " Godfather " were filmed. Alberto, who is missing one leg, but transports quickly, even with crutches,took me on a tour the other day to the Plaza Espana,...
Dirty Laundry four blocks away
Dirty laundry catches up with all of us. Only bringing a carry on suitcase this trip, and looking at my pile of dirty clothes on the bed, I am down to my last clean socks and shirt. I could have brought a bigger suitcase but I wanted to travel as light...
Basilica Cathedral of Santa Maria le Menor Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
There are, according to the web, 1.2 billion Catholics in the world today. This number, of course, changes every second because people are born and die every second and because counting anything is never easy. This Cathedral, in the middle of...
Museo of Amber Zona Colonia, Santo Domingo
Pat reminds me to dig deeper into amber, when I'm in the Dominican Republic, highly valued by Kings and royalty way way back when we had Kings and royalty. Tunneling deeper, I walk myself to the Museum of Ambar at 454 Calle Arzobismo Merino Street...