Scott’s Adventures in Costa Rica

Story Hour In the neighborhood /Hotel Aranjuez/ San Jose, Costa Rica
Towards the end of any visit, many travelers sort through high points, low points, things that didn't work out, things that went well. If you keep a journal, write a blog, take photos, or go with someone, you have a way to remember what you saw,did,...
Hemingway Inn/ San Jose, Costa Rica Barrio Amon
In walks, I see other places I might like to stay in San Jose, Costa Rica. This Inn has been passed before and always merits a second glance. From the outside, it appears Hemingway really might have resided in one of the upstairs rooms and composed at a...
Rocking and Rolling The Earth shakes
Tourist season is blooming and booming. Tour companies pack avid nature lovers into Costa Rica's National Parks, visit rain forests, hike deep into volcanic arenas, provide vivid sights for photographers, bird watchers and naturalists. You can do zip...
Rainbow outside Hotel Aranjuez/San Jose No one out except those who got up early
This rainbow is out early. It is Sunday and two tourists with big cameras are walking in the middle of the street ahead of me with lens in the shooting position, talking French. This rainbow is beginning to lose its colors but you can still...
National Museum, San Jose Jail exhibit
The Costa Rican National Museum is not world winning architecture. It is a renovated Spanish fort, and, for that reason, has little frills. Inside you see thick walls, peer through lookout holes in towers, pass through heavy wooden doors with huge...
San Jose, National Theatre Tour Points of interest
Checklist traveling has advantages. You go to guidebooks, visit sites and attractions, book tours with an English speaking guide, get familiar with places deemed newsworthy by those in the know. You see five to seven points of interest, stop and...
Tour Day at Hotel Aranjuez Just waiting for the bus
Half of the world is in winter with temps in the teens, or worse. Here, it is seventies with humidity but the sun shines more often than it hides. Jose, at the front desk, says it is busy in San Jose most of the year and his hotel has more visitors from...
Handstands Friday afternoon
The Temple of Music belongs in a different time and place. This edifice is in a downtown San Jose, Costa Rica city park where music is performed and people congregate. This afternoon there is a group of young gymnasts practicing handstands...
Namu Folk Art Gallery, San Jose Masks, arrows and color
This little gift shop is not far from the Holiday Inn in Old San Jose, a hop skip and jump from the Municipal Square, a stone's throw from the Gold and Jade Museo's, several blocks from casinos. Browsing, I come across an authentic bow with arrows with...
Eating for Eatings Sake Breakfast Buffet, Hotel Aranjuez
One of the draws of this San Jose, Costa Rica hotel is a serve yourself buffet breakfast. It is not only a buffet breakfast with choices, but you get famous Costa Rican coffee, deep, dark, flavorful, in a big cup. The breakfast runs from seven to nine...