Scott’s Adventures in California

Medical Blues Douglas Hospital
This is not a happy tale. Broken in a car crash ,Chris, flown by helicopter to the hospital trauma unit, is fed through a tube, breaths through a tube,has a sensor pinned into the top of his shaved head to reveal brain activity. Staff shift his body...
Gender Dysphoria California Dreaming
This is an All Gender Restroom at the UC Irvine Medical Center in Los Angeles, California. The worst thing about this sign is having to figure out where all these genders are suddenly coming from, and whether I can open the door, safely go inside,...
Strawberry Patch In Los Angeles City Limits
Long term residents, going back to the 1940's and 50's, who are still alive, talk in the hospital waiting room about California being a Garden of Eden. " Down that street, " one says, ": there were acres and acres of orange trees..... " " And grapefruits...
California Soul Records Looking for a shirt
Victoria Gardens is a Rancho Cucamonga mall, one of many in the Los Angeles area where shopping ranks high on people's to do lists. The day before Christmas, late afternoon, crowds are thinning. By now, most have their shopping complete and are winding...
L.A. Car Repairs Check maintenance light blues
Your chariot has to be tuned up to keep you in the Los Angeles race. You aren't going to get anywhere in this L.A. burg without a good set of wheels, a team of rested and well fed horses, and enough time to get where you are going through a maze of...
California Shopping Mall Ontario, California
The shopping mall is not only a metaphor for the Christmas season, but a melody. Jingle bells ring from inside closed stores as a security pickup patrols and deliveries are made to the back door. Stores open at ten in the morning and stay open till ten...