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We return our golf cart.
The cart jockey is a tiny man wearing shorts, tennis shoes with big socks, a blue faded ball cap. There are four carts ahead of ours that he has to clean, toss trash, wipe down seats, check gas, and inspect. We use golf carts because they speed up our play and that, in theory, helps us score better.
At my feet is a small key with a number 3 on it. Barely visible, I pick it up, bend it, watch it spring back to its original position. It isn’t a real golf cart key because they are metal and a different shape.
I ask the little Irishman with blond hair pushing out from under the sides of his ball cap what my found key goes to?
He looks a moment while he wipes down a cart seat.
” That’s the key to the box of Forgotten Dreams. ”
There are many keys in this world. Keys to lock boxes, keys to offices and homes, keys to cars, keys to your heart.
All the dreams in the world aren’t much good if you forget where you put them.
As we head back to the car, I hear him whistling ” Danny Boy. ”
I believe he has a box full of dreams under his bed that he opens frequently.
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Glad to see Scott that you are finding some time to play some golf! Hope also that you watched some of the US Open last weekend? Thank God Dustin Johnson won it outright and the did he move the ball or didn’t he became a moot point! Hang in there… another year or so when you are relaxing in some tropical locale these days will only be an unpleasant memory! Lol
cabo san lucas or la paz are on the list.
Test…been having trouble getting posts to show?
Looks like this one is working? Glad to see you are playing some golf Scott!
golf is another story. a mix of good, bad, and ugly is good relaxation from construction work though.
hola- will relay this to Pat. have noticed this a few times too. thanks for the tip.
Glad to see you are still playing some golf Scott! I worked out a hitch in my swing and am now hitting them long and straight, lol. Watch out next time we play! Lol
Hi Scott – thats my key! 🙂
I will give it to you if i can find where i put it. lots of times we don’t forget our dreams – we just forget where we put them. thanks for dropping by. i am looking forwards to being done with the house rehab here.
We all are I’m sure! Lol. Your websites spell check seems to be working well…pass that along to Pat too!
Not much new over here…..just spending the holiday quietly! Lake Tanglewood is shooting off fireworks tonight and I may or may not be awake to watch them! Lol
Been watching for some new posts? Nothing lately? I know you’ve been busy with getting 803 ready….and not doing any traveling lately…but look forward to your travel blog!
David Currie told me he was looking forward to your posts from Nicaragua! And Jim is always asking where you are off to next? Lol