Lichens In Albuquerque Foothills

    Granite boulders are common along this foothill trail. They are spread like giant marbles dumped out of a cloth bag onto the school playground at recess. Some of the boulders are clumped together, others stand alone in a patch of cactus or in the shade of a stubborn juniper with gnarled branches. Along this trail, lichen cling to the granite. Lichen comes in shades of green and consists of two symbiotic organisms. The fungi part sinks roots into resisting rock, extracts nutrients, holds on for dear life. The algae part piggybacks on fungi and uses photosynthesis and nutrients to make food for both of them. Winding up the trail on a morning hike, through a planet in transition, all looks stable, but nature is far from stable. Googling- lichen on granite- brings you life’s variety, delicacy, and will to survive. Symbiosis describes human relationships, as well as natures.  

Dancing Girl On the Plaza

    Music is accessible. You can be wearing a tuxedo and tails, coveralls, golf shorts, uniforms, diapers, or your birthday suit, and it sounds great. You can be wearing a wedding dress, a pearl necklace, spiked heels, a flimsy cocktail party dress, cowboy boots, turquoise earrings or a bikini and it sounds great. You can be white haired, bald, or a long hair and enjoy. You do not need to know how to read or write to get the rhythm right. This afternoon a little girl stands in front of the Band with her father’s approving look and does an impromptu dance. She can do worse than hang out with serious musicians wearing suits and swinging with intent. There is her future ahead. Possibly she will fall in love with a man who fits her and walk down the aisle with her father holding her arm to be given, with her father’s blessing, to a lucky guy? Possibly she will have happy children and a family? Maybe she will fall into a career that fits her abilities and interests? This afternoon the band plays and people move into and out of the picture. Some tarry. Some show appreciation. Others barrel through the moment like ordnance in World War 1. Some try to avoid the camera. Music speaks across place, time, people and ideology – in its own voice.  

Sax Therapy Music Video -Old Town-Albuquerque

    In the saxophone family you have a number of siblings. The shortest boys, who sing the highest, are the C Melody and Soprano saxes. Then you move to Alto and Tenor Saxes who are the most common kids on jazz bandstands. At the back of the parade you have Baritone Sax. The lowest voiced saxophone, and biggest of all – the Contra-bass saxophone- seldom gets out of its case because it is an elephant at the tea party. This afternoon Sax Therapy performs in Old Town during the annual Albuquerque balloon festival.  Dressed for this performance in suits, the quys move through their songbook with style.  A few listeners take photos, engage the musicians in conversation, and dance, especially when the ensemble launches into a spirited version of  ” When the Saints Come Marching in. ” The guys play like a family, and, on this song, a happy family. Everyone knows their part and they play well together. Sax Therapy is therapy everyone can use.  

Chadd’s Band Sadies Bar and Grill

    Once the sun drops below the Albuquerque city limits, street lights switch on, programmed by computers. The man made lights aren’t strong enough to make everything visible so, at night, you move from one pocket of light to another and guess what is down that alley, or behind that fence, or on that roof. Tonight, brother Neal and I run into downtown’s neon’s, flashing signs, street lights cycling from green to yellow to red to green. Car headlights appear like gigantic bug eyes as gawker’s cruise. Earlier, street food vendors were parked in the middle of closed fourth and sixth streets selling their specialties but most of them have since closed up and driven home. At Sadie’s, Neal and I  have our right hands stamped with a black owl that lets us re-enter the bar if we decide to leave and want to return. My jazz teacher, Chadd, plays with a Latin band playing tonight and we came down to hear him play.. The opening act Cuban band is just setting up on stage and we realize quickly we will have a wait before Chadd’s group finally gets on stage. Compensating, we take our black owls outside to fly old Route 66, admire the beautiful renovated Kimo Theater and grab a burger at Lindy’s, a downtown eatery dating back to the 1940’s. This Downtown area has been trying to rehabilitate itself in the last decade and has made some progress though  families and sane people don’t often come down here after dark. When Chadd’s band, Barrutanga,  finally marches on stage in a crazy Latin band homage to New Orleans, it is after eleven. Neal tells his wife, later, that it was an experience. Experience, I have been told, is what happens when you make the same mistake twice. The only mistake we made was arriving at nine instead of eleven.  

Shopping at ” 99″ Chinese shopping

    If it crawls, slides, slips, flips,slithers, climbs, it is not safe. At “99”, in Albuquerque, there are selections to fit Chinese tastes. Today, Ruby  has a taste for seafood, and, lifting up a black cloth, she goes after blue and white colored crabs that try to escape the small plastic tub that holds them for display. The crabs that run from her the fastest are the ones she grabs in her prongs and puts, with help, into her open plastic bag. For meat and poultry she likes Sprouts. The meats at “99”, she says in basic English, are old and not good. I don’t care for tree fungus, but find noodles tolerable. Worms are offensive. The most difficult skill is to eat soup with chopsticks. Americans eat meat, potatoes, bread, hamburgers, french fries, sugar, salt. Chinese eat seafood, vegetables, fruits, nuts and rice. The crabs try to hurt us with their scissor hands but they are no match for Ruby’s prongs.  

McDonalds Washing Windows

    Sitting in this Albuquerque McDonalds feels like sitting inside the Diner in the 1942 Edward Hopper oil painting – ” Nighthawks. ” Early this morning, Javier is busy cleaning this fast food franchise made of glass, plastic, tile, low voltage lights, lightweight chairs and tables, all under the ubiquitous corporate  logo – M. Javier works diligently, methodically, pulling tools out of his maintenance closet by the soft drink machines where homeless fill up yesterday’s paper cups with today’s free soda. He greets us in Spanish and opens the door at five when we queue for coffee. Javier soaps his windows,then carefully uses a squeegee to remove the soap from the glass. He cleans his squeegee with a rag he pulls out of his back pocket.  He looks for imperfections as he goes and his windows are a work of art. Big business, some say, is good for America. Big business, others say, has turned us into a plutocracy.. Edward Hopper’s painting seems comforting this morning, less stark than our present situation. Clean windows in a dirty world are a thing of beauty.  

Moriarty Pinto Bean Festival Local Color

    Moriarty is a small town thirty minutes east of Albuquerque on Route 66. Annually, the city hosts a Pinto Bean Festival to honor the lowly pinto bean and those rural folk that live in this area in manufactured homes on subdivided one acre plots that get more sparse the farther you move from I-40. Pinto beans get their name from their mottled brown and beige color, like a pinto horse. Take pinto beans, a flour tortilla, some green chili and a little meat, if you have it, and you have a burrito that has been New Mexico survival food since settlers moved here hundreds of years ago. This Festival is a collection of booths. In one are two women gunslingers wearing revolvers and shooting up business for a local indoor shooting range. There is a group who want to restore an old Whiting Brothers gas station sign as a relic of the loved Route 66 that held states and communities along its route together like crazy glue. There are games where you toss a bag into a box, spin a wheel for free food at a local Denny’s, try to toss a ring around a soft drink can for a free drink. There is a station to get blood pressure checked and another to meet Jesus. Roberto sells hats made from palm fronds from Ecuador and kids play on swings with recycled automobile tires providing a soft landing for their falls. One of the more moving installations is at the entrance to the Fair where two men are taking donations to support the Moving Wall coming to Moriarty. The Moving Wall is a scaled down version of the Vietnam Wall in Washington. It has the names of all the men and women who died in that hapless conflict in a far away place. Vietnam casualties reached small towns across America and on the walls of VFW’s in hundreds of communities are pictures and names and military rank and rate of young people who lost their lives in foreign jungles. Pinto beans help you survive when chips fall on the table and society begins to crack like a dropped ice cube. I pick up two bags on my way out of town.  

Fossil Hunt NM - South 14

    New Mexico was once at the bottom of a great sea. Over millions of years, carbon creatures died and drifted to the bottom of that sea and became preserved in silt. Layer upon layer of silt turned to stone and the fragile bodies of once living creatures became captured and preserved. My Geologist brother Neal likes nothing better than hiking mountains, looking for geological treasure chests and opening them to find fossil pieces of eight. This morning we return to a quarry he was introduced to in junior high school.  A teacher brought he and a friend here to scrape away layers of shale and discover ferns, brachiapods, and other marine life. These days a teacher wouldn’t risk the field trip but that trip set two kids into lifelong careers. As I look up at the quarry walls this morning i can easily see geological epochs as they were deposited in layers. Even a foot thick layer took thousands of years to form.. Neal knows the layers we are looking for on this dig and finds us a promising hunting spot in the side of a crumbling bank in mountains that used to be under water. Hawks fly over us on a clear cool fall morning and we have brought our small cardboard boxes for specimens, rock hammers, scrapers, newspapers for wrapping what we find, bottles of water, a few apples and sunflower seeds, and lots of hope. Any day you can poke into pre- history and find something only you are seeing for the first time in 250 million years, it is a good day.  

Railway Market Sax Therapy

    On Sundays, during warmer months in Albuquerque, an old train barn opens its huge metal doors to the public. Vendors set up inside to sell their produce, art, clothes, soaps and lotions, health food, get signatures for green projects and alternative lifestyles, listen to music and enjoy the scene. This Sunday, we come down to hear Chadd’s saxophone quartet – Sax Therapy.  It is quaint inside the train barn, good to see an old dilapidated unused piece of functional architecture used for better than a roosting place for pigeons. Running across, and embedded in the concrete floor of this large open area, are rails that used to bring trains inside to be repaired, outfitted, cleaned, and re-conditioned. Now, the only Albuquerque train is Amtrak that has ticket sales in what remains of the original Alvarado Hotel. The real Alvarado Harvey House was demolished in the 60’s to make room for buildings that never followed, part of the 1960’s short sighted urban renewal dreams of government elected officials.  Seated at the south end of the train barn, Ruby and I watch dancers twirl to forties style big band music.  A college singer croons Rosemary Clooney. Following them is Sax Therapy featuring two alto saxes, one tenor sax and one baritone sax.  They do a Monk tune, a twenties style ragtime classic, and a Texas blues wail to start, then move to a show tune and Be-Bop.  Chadd negotiates his bari with ease, his eyebrows going up when he moves into the upper register and eyes looking to the ground when he goes real real low. I’m not sure but think I hear a train whistle moving towards us in straight four four time. When you get four saxes playing together you can almost feel your teeth vibrating on the crescendos.  

Gran Quivera Salinas Pueblo Missions

    Between Roswell and Mountainair, in New Mexico, there is enough open space to house millions of people, plus livestock. Land stretches from the road as far as you can see. Whether the planet is running out of space or just resources needed to support seven billion people is a topic for early morning radio talk shows. The horizon is distant and telephone poles and barbed wire fences, ancient technology, crowd this rural highway along with an occasional grouping of cattle, old crumbling farmhouses, windmills with blades missing like a kid’s front tooth. We wave at the few drivers that pass us going towards Roswell.. A road marker advertises Gran Quivera National Monument and Richard takes an exit to get us a look at the historical site.  People lived here long before Pilgrims, long before Columbus. When the Conquistadors came, in the fifteen hundreds, to search for gold, to claim land for their King, to convert Indians to Catholicism, there was conflict. In 1680, a Pueblo Revolt sent the new invaders packing until they returned with even more deadly force. What is left of this Pueblo are the walls of an old Spanish church, without its roof, and numerous fallen rock walls of homes on the hillsides around the church.  It would have been strange for the Indians to learn a new religion, kneel at a cross, drink wine, eat wafers. Their Gods were of nature and their vision of creation and man’s place in it was different than those of their conquerors. Stacking rocks and building walls in an open paradise would have been intolerable. New Mexico is about open space. You can’t live here without realizing land survives. Conquerors are, in good time, conquered.
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