Jamaica Tea at Cafe de Arte

    I have never been to Jamaica, but sometimes you have to go to Nicaragua to experience Jamaica. This tea, served cold or hot, is made from flower pedals of the hibiscus. It is a deep magenta color and tastes a bit like grapes or wine without the alcohol. It is also called sorrel, and is served often on holidays to guests in Africa as well as Jamaica. Drinking flower pedals is an epicurean exercise that wealthy Roman Senators would have had down pat. When a commoner can sit down and enjoy Jamaica Tea, at a Cafe in Granada, Nicaragua, you know the world has gotten a whole lot more even.

Maria Elena Panaderia coffee and doughnuts

    Panaderia’s are common in Central and South America and this is one that has American style doughnuts and fresh ground Nicaraguan coffee early before it gets hot. You can drink your cup inside at a small table or outside in a small courtyard and watch the street wake up. This morning they are doing a brisk business making and selling cakes for birthdays and weddings.. At the counter, you can buy fresh bread, cookies, pastries, slices of carrot cake, and chocolate concoctions for your sweet tooth. They have ham and cheese and sub sandwiches for a modest price and I feel like I am back in Uruguay looking inside Eduardo’s back seat at his sub sandwiches in front of the Punta Del Este construction site.  Seating myself at a small table in a corner I watch eyes light up as kids see their birthday cakes for the first time and ex pats come in for their breakfast on the way to the market for fresh vegetables and fish and get news about the U.S.and Europe off their cell phones. Once you find your best places in a new town, you start to feel more lat home. Bakers in the back kitchen, knead dough, squeeze icing out of tubes to decorate elaborate wedding cakes, chatter about their boyfriends and girlfriends, Grandma, and Presidente Ortega. This little bakery feels like being on an inner tube on a river that lets you lie back and let the river carry you along on a perfect summer day where all you need is a swim suit, or less. Finding relaxed places in new places is what lots of us traveler’s like to do in foreign lands. Being busy all the time isn’t much of a vacation, or a retirement..

Vegetable Barley Soup at El Garaje Restaurant

    When you ask locals where the best places to dine are, in Granada, El Garaje restaurant is one of the first to be mentioned. The first time I walked past the place, it didn’t register as important. It was closed then because of an electrical outage but the proprietor came to the door and apologized and shook my hand. When I returned. he remembered my name. The restaurant is called  ” El Garaje ” because it occupies a spot that someone’s car used to occupy. Many homes in Granada have a garage directly in front of their house, You open the iron gates to your property, drive right into a garage, park, and then walk up garage steps and walk right into your living room. The owners of this restaurant have turned their garage, at the street front, into a restaurant. This restaurant has limited seating, and, when full, stays full until someone leaves. Paul serves and his wife cooks. The vegetable barley soup is so good that I go back to the menu for a pulled pork sandwich with caramelized onions and homemade coleslaw without mayo, I leave without trying the sour orange cheesecake for my pocketbook’s sake. There is fine dining in Granada. You just have to find the right garage.  

Generations out for a ride

    In Granada, streets have horses, wagons, carts and carriages.. Horses and carriages carry tourists on tours of the city and the usual place to match up is in front of the Hotel Alhambra at the Parque Central. Horses and carts are also working today, hauling sand, lumber, and produce down shaded thoroughfares. This morning, two Nicaraguan generations, sitting next to one another, turn a corner, the reins waiting to be passed, but not just yet. There will not be many years before horses will not be allowed on thoroughfares here and one more trace of the nineteenth century will vanish.  This boy won’t have a horse and a cart in his future, but he will remember this early morning ride with his Dad.  

Playing with mud Historical District- Granada

    There was a time in the 1960’s when urban renewal in the United States was all the craze. Urban renewal caused structures that had been built hundreds of years ago to be razed, and, in their place, modern buildings went up with modern materials and modern ideas about what people were supposed to live in. In Granada, in the Historical District, there are strict rules against changing old. Any modifications have to be approved, and the outsides of all buildings must remain intact and true to the century they were built. Many of these buildings have walls of adobe, one of man’s oldest construction materials. Walking the Historical District, old homes, warehouses and businesses are being gutted, repaired, and brought into our century. Piles of sand and bags of cement are close at hand as day laborers mix and fill wheelbarrows with plaster for men with trowels and hawks. Adobe walls are repaired when they can be. In this district of Granada, things seem to look as they always have, because the codes say that it will be so. Old, with our help, doesn’t have to go gently into the good night. Since Adam was created out of mud, and it was good enough for our Maker, why would we want to tear down mud buildings made out of the same stuff as we are?  

Trombone Man Saturday morning practice

    Saturday is laundry day, and trombone day. Over the blue wall, next door, someone is practicing trombone. I was up late listening to Masterclass You Tube Videos by Hal Galper on jazz improvisation, hearing, thinking, the tribal attitude, musical tradition. Learning to play jazz is like learning to walk, learning numbers and letters, reading, all over again. You start at one note and then find the next one that sounds good.  You put them in an order that is pleasing and play till you have it where it sounds good to you, and to an audience. According to Hal, we don’t have slow hands, we have slow brains. While I listen, and hum along, a lizard scales the blue wall, rests on the top ledge, looks over the other side. He catches the morning breeze. Making sounds is one thing; making music is another. I need to go practice. Getting triggered by your surroundings, goes to the heart of Scotttreks.com  

Laguna de Apoyo between Managua and Granada

    This Lagoon was formed 23,000 years ago after an explosion on one on Mombacho’s bad hair days. It is fed by a number of surface and underground water sources and is one of the first Nature Preserves created in Nicaragua to preserve the country’s natural landscape. In tourist season there are kayaks in the water, swimmers, picnic’s and family outings, hiking, diving and other recreation. The Preserve has public areas that give access to the water for free or private businesses that let you use their facilities for six to seven dollars U.S. a day.  A round trip shuttle to the Lagoon is $15.00 from Granada, if you go with a group tour, and you can spend most of the day at the Park working on your tan.. This morning locals are washing clothes,bathing, swimming, wetting a hook, and kayaking . The water is unusually clear and the bottom of the lagoon is covered with scattered lava rocks, small and large, reflections of clouds floating on the water’s surface. In the old days, Hollywood came out with a movie called ” Creature from the Black Lagoon. ” Believing in things we can’t see is difficult, but it doesn’t mean they don’t exist. One good thing about being human is most really bad stuff we aren’t going to live long enough to see. When Mombacho throws a big fit, again, it will shake out this entire country.  

Electrical Shutdown A day job

    Early morning, city crews are closing traffic on Calle Libertidad and an intersecting residential street. An old fashioned wood electrical pole is going to be replaced by a newer fiberglass model,and new electrical lines are being strung to provide more service to a nearby house under construction, a house directly across the street from us spectators. This old wood pole sticks up through the roof overhang of a home that was here before the road ever thought about coming this way. The city crew starts around eight and right after lunch power is cut so linemen can scramble up poles and reattach new lines in place of old ones.  The men in hardhats, overseen by their supervisors, do their tasks in an orderly fashion.  Onlookers sit on front stoops and watch the men work, traffic finds other ways to bypass the scene,and pedestrians lift yellow tape and squeeze underneath to get to their casa’s on this little side street off the main thoroughfare downtown. When power is restored there are sighs of relief and the new pole doesn’t touch the old house though there is still a hole in its roof that someone will have to patch. Civilization, these days, still goes only as far as roads and electricity. We are all hooked up to all kinds of grids even if we only see a few of them. Electric is civilization’s lifeblood. Unplugging, for some, is a death sentence.  

Tortuga Alert by the pool for Joan

    There are exotic birds in the pool area, some in cages, some free in the banana trees. Two of the caged birds are varieties of parrot and several others are parakeets. They are brought out by staff in mid morning and climb obstacles in their cages, hang upside down on swings, break sunflower seeds with stout beaks. There are also two tortuga’s in the undergrowth by the pool. They are more difficult to find because they are not colorful and make no noise. After looking, and not finding them, I give up the hunt till Security man Juan finds one and calls me to admire it. The smaller of the two is underneath plant leaves and nestled in shade, in a moist area. ” No agua, ” Juan says, wagging his finger.  He picks up the tortuga and holds it in the air. It’s hands, feet, neck and head remain inside its shell. It looks like a rock with a hole in the middle. Tortuga’s make good pets. They eat leafy plants, don’t tear up flower beds, eat insects, are quiet to a fault, and hibernate if it ever gets cold enough in Granada. Juan carefully places the turtle on pebbles but it doesn’t change it’s attitude of withdrawal. I return to the pool and don’t hear a peep out of either of them. All I hear is the rooster next door that wakes me every morning and struts all day, full of himself. Tortuga’s don’t talk much, but if they do, I listen.
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